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One of the other areas which we have received
feedback on is medication. Issues relate to the
processes that are followed to get the correct
medication to families in a timely manner. There have
been difficulties for parents getting medication within
the 14 day window that is stated on all paperwork. We
Healthwatch Sefton welcomed the opportunity to
have concerns about the processes that are in place
comment on the draft version of the Trusts Quality
within the pharmacy to deal with repeat prescriptions
and whether they have adequate staffing in place to get
medication to families.
We have had support from Sefton Parent Carer Forum
in reviewing this account. The forum is a member of our
The inclusion of the PLACE assessments was
steering group and has over 800 members. On page
welcomed and the findings relating to cleanliness and
82, the Trust refers to engaging with the parent forum, privacy and dignity. Disability had worsened but we
which we assume is an internal forum. Over the next
have been informed that the results for this are linked to
12 months, it would be great for the trust to engage in
services which are still delivered on the retained estate
dialogue with Sefton Parent Carer forum.
where some clinics are still held.
In reviewing the key priorities which were set for quality We have had meetings with the Trust over the past
improvements (2017/18), it was good to read the
12 months but they have not been as regular as in
achievements which the Trust has made in embedding
previous years and we would welcome meetings every
a safety culture throughout the organisation, with
three months moving forward. However during those
incidents being reported. The work to reduce hospital
meetings held, we have gained useful updates on
acquired infections is noted with the 46% reduction progress made with the Equality and Diversity agenda
in the number of infections since 2014/15. Despite
and we are particularly pleased to see an increase
the account sharing a number of improvement areas
in both quality and equality impact assessments
relating to action on pressure ulcers, increases in grade
being undertaken. On page 129, reference is made
2 and grade 3 pressure ulcers were seen. We would like
to signage in various languages. Is there any plan to
to see a reduction in pressure ulcers over the next 12 add visual signage for example, Makaton/Signalong/
Boardmaker for young people that require visuals to
support their reading? In reviewing information about
In the work to increase engagement of children, young
hospital passports/ risk assessments and reasonable
people and families in improving the quality of services,
adjustments it would be good to find out how families
the target for the Friends and Family test was just gain access to this to make sure they have everything in
missed. From working with the trust over the past 12
place for their child/children.
months, we are aware that the Trust is looking at ways
to increase take up of this, particularly with community
In looking at the ward accreditation scheme ‘Journey
services, in particular Child & Adolescent Mental Health
to the Stars’ has the trust engaged with staff to find out
services. In addition, we felt that information relating to how they perceive this and how it affects staff morale?
this service was lacking within the account.
Page 140 details the work and improvements with
In the draft version of the account, on page 137 it was
Learning Disabilities and Autism. We note that the
very difficult to review information within the table and
reference groups involved in this work were from
therefore we were unable to review Friends and Family Liverpool schools only. Is there any intention to look at
data in full.
the surrounding local authorities, including Sefton? In
moving forward with this work, again good contacts for
In looking at the work to co-design service
the Trust to make will be with the differing parent carer
improvements with children and their families, the Trust
forums across Merseyside and wider.
is innovative in its methods. However it would have
been great to have read more about how children and
It is good to have sight of the priority areas for 2017/18.
families find out how to get involved in this area of work.
We would have welcomed an invitation to the quality
summit which was held 14th May but look forward to
It was good to read about the improvements made to
our work with the trust over the next 12 months.
outpatient services and access to booking systems. We
would be interested in finding out more about this work Diane Blair
as these are two areas in which we receive feedback
on, particularly for services which are not delivered on
Healthwatch Sefton
the main Trust site.
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 149 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18