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3.3.14 Management of Complaints                        Improvements
        and Concerns                                           • Further embedding of the model of devolved

                                                                governance to drive early supportive intervention by
        The model of devolved governance implemented
                                                                the relevant clinical teams/Divisions
        through the quality strategy is intended to drive early
        supportive intervention by the relevant clinical teams   • Complaints and PALS update now form part of a
        & Divisions so that children, young people and their    Divisional quality dashboard report provided monthly
        families/carers have the best experience, with any      to the Clinical Quality Steering Group
        issues raised locally being dealt with immediately and   • Appointed to new role of Head of Quality for
        appropriately.                                          corporate services, with expertise in management of
        Whilst formal complaints have increased in year, the
        overall trend from 4 years ago remains positive. When   Future Plans
        compared to activity levels, the number of complaints
        represents 0.025% of hospital attendances.             • Improve training for clinical teams
                                                                In 2018/19 there will be bespoke training for
        PALS attendances have also increased this year.         clinical teams relating to “managing concerns and
        When compared to activity levels the number of PALS     complaints”. This will aim to support staff in effectively
        attendances represents 0.4% of hospital attendances     handling parents/carers/children’s concerns and
        in the year.                                            finding resolution in the clinical area before there is
                                                                escalation of this formally.
                      2013/ 2014/ 2015/ 2016/ 2017/            • Keeping records of local concerns
                        14     15      16     17     18         Staff will log local concerns in Ulysses so there is a

                                                                full understanding of issues being raised at ward and
         Formal                                                 department level.
                       166     134     70     66     83
                                                               • Improve learning from complaints
         PALS          1248   1133    1246   1294   1349        Learning from complaints will be one of the
                                                                year’s objectives, to understand how we can
                                                                compassionately and with consideration share the
                                                                complaints raised and ensure Trust staff are aware
                                                                of any actions we have implemented to ensure these
                                                                issues do not occur again.

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