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Achievements in 2017/18                                • Continue to engage with schools - EHCP planning for
                                                                young people with complex neuro-disabilities
        • North West Multi-organisational Transition Network
          founded and chaired by AHFT                          • Support for day placements for student nurses
        • Planned and delivered a national transition          • Presented at C&YP and parents forums twice
          conference at Alder Hey 29th June 2017 attended by    this year to engage and receive their feedback on
          over 100 delegates. Excellent evaluations             transition work and patient information leaflets
        • Won award for £3,200 from Vertex to support the
          development of a five minute patient transition story/
        • Delivery of Multi-organisational transition training by
          AHFT (including social care and Education), over 30
          hourly sessions delivered
        • National engagement and attendance at Alder Hey
          from other Trusts interested in improving transition
        • Ratification of Trust Transition policy

        • Secured a two year 2017-2019 CQUIN from NHSE
          planning transition for young people with neuro-
          disabilities, achieved all milestones Q1-Q3 and      • Business case developed for the continuation of
          expected to achieve all in Q4                         transition nurse lead role
        • Development of draft 10 steps transition             • Won an award of £75K from The Health Foundation to
          programmes, health information passports and          continue to develop the Carer Skills Passport which is
          transition care plans for all young people 14 years   a key enabler for transition of complex neurodisability
          plus who have complex neuro-disabilities              patients ( )

        • Delivery of non-clinical transition preparation clinics   • Distributed ‘banner pens’ with 10 steps Transition
          for young people with complex neuro-disabilities      pathway information incorporated into pen
        • Implementation of transition preparation into a further   • Held a number of stands promoting Transition in
          four specialities 2017/18                             hospital atrium
        • Worked with information technology team towards      • Presented transition and a Carer Skills passport
          identifying a sensitive, reliable and reproducible    stands free of charge at the Manchester Kidz to
          method for identifying any patients of transitional age   Adultz event
        • Transition embedded into patient electronic records -   • Development of a Trust ‘Consent and confidentiality’
          Meditech 6 - go live 26/02/18                         patient information leaflet in partnership with Edge Hill
        • Transition map updated
                                                               • Completed an equality and diversity self-assessment
        • Development of transition dashboard/report
                                                                against Trust transition policy and met all
        • Transition applied to Trust incident reporting        requirements
          electronic system - Ulysses
                                                               • Met and shared 10 steps transition pathway,
        • Commenced work with two large Liverpool GP            AHFT work to date and given contact details of
          practices to re-engage GP’s in the transition of their   Transition team with Liverpool Hope and John
          patients                                              Moores Universities if they require any support and
                                                                advice regarding young people transitioning to their
        • Newsletter continued to share transition information
          Trust wide
                                                               • Self-assessed against the Your Welcome standards
        • Working with innovation hub on a number of projects
                                                                and achieved
          to support transition (APP & OBLIGE OMEGA)
                                                               • Developed a works team to develop a pathway
        • Development of the 10 steps transition patient folder
                                                                for YP with complex neuro-disabilities from
        • Continued support for research CLAHRC and PhD         paediatric specialist respiratory physiotherapy
          student researching AHFT 10 steps transition          to adult respiratory physiotherapy, this includes
        • Presented and engaged with two large GP practices     representation from paediatric and adult
          in Liverpool around transition of their patients who   commissioners, physiotherapy service managers,
          have complex neuro-disabilities, and ADHD/ASD         and service managers. This remains operational
          where there is a service gap between 16-18 years

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