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3.3.8 Peri-operative Care
The focus of the previous report was creating and implementing standards in relation to national policy such as the
national safety standards. The focus across this year has been on ensuring these standards are embedded and are
useful to the whole team in theatre.
This set out eight key aims for the year ahead alongside a strategy for achieving those aims. On reflection, at the
close of 2017/18 all of these aims have been achieved or work has commenced.
Aims and Objectives 2017/18 Achieved
Embed risk, governance and National Safety Mandatory training delivered in house on all update
Standards for Invasive Procedures (NatSSIPS) into sessions.
mandatory training sessions within theatre.
Creation of Divisional Infection Prevention and Now reports into Divisional integrated governance and
Control (IPC) board. Trust IPC Committee.
Establish audit process for NatSSIPS. Peer audit in place, departmental audit plan being
completed for next year.
Development of departmental human factors Strategy developed, actions underway to embed.
Creation of a surgical site surveillance service for Business case complete and recruited, database
the division. underway.
Undertake baseline safety culture report with plans Initial safety assessment undertaken, plan in place to
to repeat bi-annually. repeat.
Creation of an electronic booking system to improve Emergency List Information system (ELIS) created and
emergency theatre flow. live within department.
Development of strategy for peer support and Strategy developed and funded, will assess impact on
reduction in stress related sickness. work related stress over coming year.
Key Quality Improvements made in 2017/18: Surgical Site Surveillance:
• Development of a business case and funding for the Surgical site surveillance is a mandatory reporting
surgical site surveillance programme. requirement for all national trusts within the UK, but a
• Agreed changes and funding for the way in which lot of the data required for submission is only relevant
patients requiring surgery for plastics trauma injuries to adult surgery. We completed a successful business
case to fund and develop a surgical site surveillance
are booked and managed.
team within surgery which will ensure that all sites are
• Surgical admissions lounge working group to improve surveyed and reported on to support improvements to
pathway of admission for patients admitted on the
patient care and clinical outcomes.
day of surgery.
• Approval of a business case for the expansion of the Successful recruitment took place in March 2018 and
pre-operative assessment service. we are currently working with the developer to create a
bespoke database for use within the service. We hope
• Development and implementation of a clear strategy
to see our first full year’s set of data complete at the
for human factors training supported by external
close of the 2018/19 financial year.
• Award winning electronic booking system for the
emergency theatre.
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 134 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18