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The Harmonic Oscillator                                 destination. Currently we have over 490 volunteers
                                                                active within the Trust
        This was a project funded by the Australian
        Government exploring the impact of sound on            • New welcome desk in place at the A&E end of the
        wellbeing through a series of residencies by            atrium, staffed by volunteers
        international artist Vic McEwan, culminating in a
                                                               • Infection control signage in every lift reminding
        Tate Liverpool exhibition and presentation at the
                                                                everyone of the importance of good hygiene to keep
        International Conference of Culture, Health and
                                                                children safe
        Wellbeing in June 2017. The artist worked with patients,
        families and staff over a three year period, exploring   • Introduced ‘Alder Play App’, to improve wayfinding,
        sound and creating new artwork, including an app, a     familiarisation and distraction for our patients.
        publication, an exhibition and radio documentary.
                                                               Future Plans
        ‘smalldances’ App                                      • Further develop our electronic/interactive

                                                                improvements through the Alder Play App
        This is the UKs first somatic child focused dance app,
        ‘Smalldances’ aimed at parents/carers of long term     • Introduce a second welcome desk at the outpatients’
        hospitalised children produced in collaboration with    end of the atrium
        Small Things Dance Company; the app was funded by      • Continue to consult with our patients and families to
        Arts Council England and Children in Need, and was
                                                                identify further opportunities for improvements.
        launched in November 2017. It is the culmination of over
        10 years of award winning dance participation at Alder   3.3.6 Medication Safety (Sign Up To
                                                               Safety Pledge)

        Our regular dance and movement work has continued
        to support patients and their families on the cardiac,
        neuro medical and renal dialysis wards, funded          Aim: No drug errors resulting in avoidable harm.
        generously through Children in Need.                    Targets were set in the Sign up to Safety
                                                                improvement plan 2015/18.
        Improving Signage and Wayfinding for
        Children and Families                                   Targets: From 2014/15 baseline:
                                                                • Reduce all medication errors that result in harm
        Patient feedback including the Patient Led Assessment     by 25% by March 2018;
        of the Care Environment (PLACE) assessment, has           Baseline: 128   Target: 96.
        helped the Trust to identify a number of areas that
                                                                • Reduce medication errors that result in
        require improvement to reduce stress, improve safety      moderate, severe harm or death by 50% by
        and improve the experience of children and families
                                                                  March 2018;
        who are anxious about attending the hospital. In
                                                                  Baseline: 4   Target: 2.
        particular a number of opportunities to improve signage
        and wayfinding, making it easier for children and
        families to find their way around the hospital have been
        implemented over the past 12 months.                    • Total medication errors resulting in harm reduced
                                                                  from 128 to 32 representing a 75% reduction
        Improvements 2017/18                                      since April 2014.
                                                                • Medication errors resulting in moderate, severe
        • Welcome signs written in multiple languages at every
                                                                  harm or death reduced from 4 to 0 (zero)
          entry point on each level of the car park
                                                                  representing 100% reduction.
        • Improved signage for disabled parking
                                                                • 72% increase in medication incident reporting
        • Created dedicated waiting space inside the atrium for   since 2014/15. From 703 to 1,209 medication
          families waiting for a taxi pick up                     incidents reported.
        • Increased visibility of no smoking signs around the   • Decrease from 18.2% to 2.6% of medication
          grounds of the hospital                                 incidents associated with harm attached since
        • Improved handwashing signage in toilets                 2014/15.
        • Electronic notice boards placed on every ward
          displaying staffing levels and other information for the   Almost every patient who is admitted to hospital
          patients and families                                requires medication. Prescribing, administering
                                                               and dispensing medicines for children are complex
        • Increased number of volunteers to help support
          families with booking in and finding the way to their   processes and require specialist knowledge and

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