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Improving Arts, Performance and Play                   Music Matters

                                                               This was a project funded by The Big Lottery: The
                                                               People Project; Alder Hey was one of three North West
                                                               organisations to receive funding through securing the
                                                               most public votes following an ITV screening promoting
                                                               the project. The project enabled us to deliver music
                                                               workshops led by professional musicians on each
                                                               in-patient ward (8 in total) once a week for 12 months.
                                                               During that time, we delivered 320 workshops and
                                                               worked with 1,600 patients. The project demonstrated
                                                               clearly the immediate benefits of music intervention on
                                                               the wards. Evaluation carried out with patients showed
                                                               that 92% of patients believed that the music session
                                                               had significantly improved their hospital stay and 84%
        Alder Hey has had an Arts for Health programme         of patients said that it significantly helped them to
        since 2002 which has become increasingly active in     forget about their illness or condition.
        enhancing the physical environment, improving the
        patient experience and supporting clinical objectives   Patients, parents and ward based staff unanimously
        using knowledge of proven research into the benefits   supported and welcomed the programme, recognising
        of arts participation. It is distinct from those in other   the influence that live
        paediatric hospitals in that it is focused on patient   participatory music had    “I heard her playing
        participation, being both patient-centred and patient   on the child’s wellbeing,   across the corridor
        led. The arts support an individualised and very positive   physical ability and   and couldn’t wait for
        healthcare experience for many patients, often focusing   emotional state - and    my turn.”
        on those who have long-term conditions.                particularly with long term
                                                               patients, their ability to   Noah, aged 4
        The Trust Arts Coordinator along with the Arts Strategy   cope with hospital life.
        Team and children and young people were instrumental
        in the development of arts in the new hospital, inspired
        by the theme of nature and the outdoors – connecting    “The music session today was fantastic, the lady
        with the environment.                                   who performed was amazing, we all joined in
                                                                as a family and it left us all with a really positive
        The Arts Coordinator manages an ongoing programme       and enjoyable memory to look back on at such a
        of participatory arts, major projects and collaborations   difficult and hard time. I would highly recommend
        with our cultural partners, as well as:                 these sessions and believe they are a great idea
                                                                for helping the child feel like there is something to
        • showcasing the best of live music and performance in
          our performance space,                                look forward to and make them smile. I think these
                                                                sessions are one of the best ideas the hospital has
        • developing strategic links with further and higher    to offer for children.”
                                                                Mum of Miley, aged 7
        • supporting and advising healthcare staff in
          developing arts initiatives

        • developing mentoring and CPD programmes for arts
          and healthcare professionals.                        Music As Medicine

        The programme is recognised by our peers as a          This is an 18 month programme funded the Youth
        national model of best practice and in July 2017,      Music Foundation. It is a partnership project with Live
        was cited for its exemplary practice in the All-Party   Music Now North West and aims to support long term
        Parliamentary group Inquiry into Arts, Health and      patients in four areas of the hospital through regular
        Wellbeing.                                             participation in music sessions led by Live Music Now
                                                               musicians. The project also embeds bespoke training
        2017/18 has seen unprecedented levels of participatory   for the musicians, equipping them with the skills to
        activity with our patients and their families. The number   work in this sensitive environment and deliver music
        of workshops delivered on the wards and in our         sessions that the patients and families will enjoy. We
        community sites has risen from 300 per year to 586     are also making a film resource to share with other
        last year, and we worked with over 5,000 children and   professional musicians interested in working in a
        young people. This is in large part due to a number of   paediatric healthcare setting.
        high profile major projects:

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