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Developing a System of 7 Day Working                   Achievements 2017/18

                                                               1.  Clinical Standard 2 - Time to 1st Consultant
                                                                  Review: 54% of patients were seen and assessed
          Aim: To achieve the same level of access to clinical    by a suitable consultant within 14 hours of
          services across all 7 days of the week                  admission.
                                                               2.  Improved ability to record when consultant review
          Targets: To meet the 4 core national standards*:
                                                                  takes place on hospital information system.
          1. Std 2 - Time to consultant review < 14 hours
                                                               3.  Established an Out Of Hours working group
          2. Std 5 - Access to diagnostics                        (Junior Doctors, General paediatric and Specialty
                                                                  Consultants, Senior Clinical Leaders, Service
          3. Std 6 - Access to interventions/key services
                                                                  Managers and Medical Staffing Lead)
          4. Std 8 - Ongoing senior review                     4.  Created an action plan including surveillance of
          *Core standard 2 required for 2017/18                   junior doctor numbers and gaps, recruitment to
                                                                  additional posts, and wellbeing of junior staff.
          Outcomes - 2017/18:                                  5.  Recruited over and above expected trainee
          1. October 2017 Updated baseline by audit (S2 only)     establishment (in anticipation of gaps).

          2. Stabilised trainee doctor numbers over winter to   6.  Appointed 3 experienced Foundation (F3) doctors
            ensure consultant availability                        (across general paediatrics and surgical teams) in
                                                                  addition to trainee establishment.
          3. Developed standardised electronic ward round
            package to mandate recording of consultant         7.  Appointed 4 zero hours contract doctors to support
            presence                                              covering gaps in rotas.
          4. Prepare for Spring Audit 2018 (4 core standards)  8.  Also introduced an additional 2 Advanced
                                                                  Nurse Practitioners to contribute to junior doctor
          5. Engagement and planning for redesign of
            paediatric delivery model
                                                               9.  Developed a ‘New Models of Care’ working group
                                                                  looking at a new model of consultant delivery of
        Evidence exists that lack of access to resources at       care to different patient groups across Alder Hey.
        weekends across the NHS can be associated with
                                                               10.  Weekly meetings commenced July 2017
        delays to care and increased risk of adverse outcomes.
                                                                  addressing a number of work streams including:
        The Trust is required to deliver national standards
        designed to address this variation and to focus on 4 of   a. Clarifying general paediatric and specialty team
        10 of the agreed national standards. Generally good       ‘rules of responsibility’
        progress has been made with standard 2 requiring          b. Determining best model of care for emerging
        more thought and attention.                               Complex Care patient group

                                                                  c. Determining best model of care for consultant
        In implementing the system of 7 day working, the Trust
                                                                  support to High Dependency Unit
        has established a Trust wide “7 day Working Steering
        Group” to coordinate Trust approach, and to oversee       d. Determining most appropriate paediatric support
        mandated audits. To pull together this multifaceted       for surgical patients (complex and non-complex)
        approach, we have established the ‘Best in Acute Care’   11.  Models of Care agreed in principle and supported
        working group which oversees activities and outputs
                                                                  by the Executive Team
        of Out Of Hours working group, New Models of Care
        working group, Escalation policy and development of    12.  New Models of Care work Programme has been
        Rapid Response Nursing Team.                              agreed as one of the Trust’s 5 key Operational
                                                                  Priorities for 2018/19, and each of the above work
                                                                  streams will be progressed with an implementation
                                                                  programme agreed.
                                                               13.  Developed standardised electronic ward round
                                                                  documentation in place should make the process
                                                                  of monitoring compliance with the standards easier
                                                                  and allow for improvements to be made in a timely

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