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The awards and review schedule is highlighted in the   The overall Trust position after the first round of
        table below:                                           assessments is shown in the graph below:

         Award Overall % for    Review Schedule                 8                                        Gold
                 all Standards
                                                                7                                        Silver
         Gold    90% or above   Re-audit in 12 - 18 months      6
         Silver  80 - 89%       Re-audit in 6 - 12 months       5

         Bronze 70 - 79%        Re-audit in 3 - 6 months
         White   Below 70%      Re-audit in 3 months
        The Ward Accreditation process was relaunched and
        rolled out across the Trust from October 2017 and 14
        wards/ departments have been audited. A full report is
        presented to the ward or department manager and the
        Matron, the feedback includes areas of good practice         Gold     Silver   Bronze    White
        and areas for improvement. The manager and the
        Matron develop an action plan and progress is reported   The second wave of assessments within the hospital
        back through the Divisional Quality and Governance     started at the end of March 2018 and will be completed
        meetings.                                              by the end of May 2018.

        D. PLACE Inspection 2017/18

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust is           assessment are ‘Cleanliness’, ‘Food and Hydration’,
        absolutely committed to ensuring that ‘every NHS       ‘Privacy, Dignity & Wellbeing’, ‘Condition, Appearance &
        patient is cared for with compassion and dignity in a   Maintenance,’ and Disability, which focuses on issues
        clean, safe environment.’                              such as wheelchair access, mobility (e.g. handrails),
                                                               signage and provision of other aids including visual/
        The Patient Led Assessment of the Care Environment     audible appointment alert systems, hearing loops, plus
        (PLACE) is a thorough assessment conducted by          aspects relating to food and food service.
        patients, Healthwatch representatives, Governors and
        volunteers, in partnership with NHS staff, and designed   Outcome
        to focus on the areas which patients say matter to
        them.                                                  The results of the assessment are produced by NHS
                                                               Digital (formerly Health and Social Care Information
        Participation is voluntary and the assessment covers   Centre). The table below provides a comparison
        a range of non-clinical activity that takes place within   of Alder Hey’s performance over the past three
        the care environment. The areas covered by the         assessment periods.

               PLACE Reports 2014/2017  Note: there was no PLACE assessment undertaken in 2015


          60                                                                                              2016


                 Cleanliness        Food and      Privacy, Dignity     Condition,      Disability
                                    Hydration      and Wellbeing    Appearance and

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust          118                          Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123