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Future Plans 2018/19 • Reward & recognition and celebrating success
• Increasing BME representation in the workforce
1. Completion of the 3 year Global Digital Exemplar
(GDE) Programme will:
• improve data capture; each patient will have Reward and Recognition and
a fully digitised and accurate record of their Celebrating Success
care; resulting in improved clinical governance,
including for example which grade of medical
Aim: To identify and celebrate the remarkable and
staff has reviewed the patient and when –
outstanding effort being demonstrated every day by
accurately capturing time-to-review.
the staff at Alder Hey so that staff feel valued at work
• provide digitised clinical pathways re-designed in and feel like they contribute to the organisation’s
line with best clinical practice, which will improve success.
patient experience, patient safety and clinical
outcomes and their ease of reporting. Target:
• lead the delivery of a collaborative approach to • 5% improvement in baseline measure of ‘staff
health and social care; working with other trusts, that recommend Alder Hey as a place to work’ in
Primary Care and Social Care in sharing clinical National Staff Survey.
information to improve the patient experience in
the wider healthcare setting and future proofing Outcome:
our approach to 7-day services and other clinical Year Percentage Improvement
2. Continuation of Out Of Hours group monthly 2016/17 53%
meetings to monitor gaps in rotas, recruitment to 2017/18 10%
additional posts, and oversight of junior doctor 63%
3. Comprehensive New Models of Care Work It is widely recognised by leaders at Alder Hey that
Programme will be established 2018/19 with likely the Trust’s most valuable asset is its workforce.
3 year implementation plan. Aligned to this will be The importance of recognising and rewarding the
dedicated Consultant Job Planning in 2018/19, great work being undertaken on a daily basis has
working towards standardised weekend and out of been a strong area of focus during 2017/18. With a
hours consultant working across all specialties, for highly motivated workforce, we will see continued
all patients. improvements in performance, patient experience
and outcomes, and a high degree of staff satisfaction.
4. Trust Patient Flow Work Programme (18/19),
Numerous initiatives have been adopted, many driven
including implementation of SAFER Bundle across
through our Listening into Action approach, which
the Trust will support all 4 standards.
empowers staff by giving them confidence to raise
5. The Trust will review ANP developing workforce issues and make change in their own areas.
and their coordinated contribution to roles and
responsibilities across Junior Doctor and ANP Improvements 2017/18
competencies, and their contribution to 7 day • Fab Staff Week
working standards.
As a means of saying ‘thank you’ to the staff, and in
3.3.4 PRIORITY 4 – Provide recognition of the NHS Fab Change Day the Trust held
Support that will Enable our Staff to a ‘Fab Staff Week’, consisting of a whole week of health
Feel Valued and Respected by the and wellbeing activities and stalls, free fruit and snacks
for staff, and created a pledge wall for staff to commit
Organisation and Actively Contribute to making a simple positive change to improve working
to the Organisation’s Success life for themselves and their colleagues.
The Trust recognises the need to support and celebrate
the great work undertaken by our staff and how
they contribute to the organisation’s success, and is
committed to ensuring our workforce is representative
of the local population demographics.
In striving to deliver this priority, the Trust agreed to ‘thank
place a specific focus on: you’ stall
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 123 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18