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Future Plans selection methods which enabled recruiters to avoid
any form of discrimination or unconscious bias.
• Continue to utilise Listening into Action as an
empowerment methodology to engage staff and • BME staff also received the recruitment and
patients in identifying and implementing improvement selection training to act as a ‘critical friend’ and to
opportunities share personal experiences, which can in turn be
incorporated in the programme to enrich the training.
• Hold a Quality Summit with contributions from all
specialties and departments as well as children and • The Human Resources Team have identified
families to identify local priorities whilst maintaining recruitment campaigns where BME applicants have
children and families at the centre of everything we applied and been shortlisted. HR team members
do. have then observed those interview panels ensuring
that no form of discrimination or unconscious bias
• Repeat the ‘Fab staff’ week to ensure we continually
occurs. To date no unconscious bias or discrimination
recognise and reward staff for their outstanding work
has been identified.
• Continue to explore new and innovative ways of
• Training has also been provided to managers to assist
building staff confidence and motivation.
them with constructive and meaningful feedback
Increasing the Black and Minority to unsuccessful applicants following interview.
Ethnic (BME) Workforce Within the Managers and staff have also accessed Cultural
competence training.
Trust by a Further 5% by 2022 • The Trust has adopted ‘positive action’ in recruiting -
the following statement is contained on all advertised
vacancies on NHS Jobs.
Aim: Increase the BME workforce by 1% each year, “Black, Chinese and Disabled individuals are under-
over the next 5 years to 2022, thus reflecting the represented in our total workforce, and males are
demograhic make up of the local population, with an under-represented in our nursing workforce. We
11% BME population. actively encourage applicants from these groups”.
• The development of an inclusive careers promotional
video and brochure is now in use to further assist in
• 1% increase each year our recruitment strategy.
Outcomes - 2017/18: • The Trust has also developed a pathway for
volunteers enabling them to apply for internal
• April 2017 – 190 BME employees (5.6%) vacancies following successful placement within
• March 2018 – 222 BME employees (6.3%) the volunteer’s team. This opportunity has been
promoted to various BME groups and networks.
• Overall annual increase of 0.7%
• Introduction of and development of a Staff BME
Network – the BME Network was introduced in April
The Trust recognises that the staff are the most 2016; the aims were to address under-representation
important and valuable resource and are committed of BME groups at Alder Hey. This group has been
to attracting and retaining a diverse and motivated invaluable in understanding and addressing issues
workforce, with the right skills, values and knowledge affecting the BME workforce. The group has
to deliver world class care for patients. Creating a reviewed the reasonable adjustments processes,
more diverse and inclusive workforce will enable the and evaluated internal recruitment processes and
organisation to deliver a more inclusive service and opportunities which has already enabled staff
improvement in patient care. progression and development.
Improvements 2017/18 • Development of Pre-employment Programme –
during October 2017 Alder Hey and Job Centre Plus
• Review of Recruitment and Selection Policy, methods implemented a programme offering unemployed
and training – a revised Recruitment and Selection members of the local community the opportunity to
Policy and Management Toolkit was implemented in participate in a 10 week work experience programme
June 2017, providing clear direction to managers and based within Alder Hey. Following successful
staff regarding the processes in place when recruiting completion of the programme the applicants were
staff internally and externally. offered the opportunity to apply for internal vacancies
or bank work within the Trust. When advertising the
• During August 2017 a revised Recruitment and
Trust targeted BME groups and actively encouraged
Selection Training programme was introduced for
applicants from BME backgrounds.
recruiting managers providing information relating to
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 125 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18