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F. The Alder Play App

          • To create a state of the art app that enhances the
            experience of care for children and young people
            at Alder Hey
          • To distract, reward and familiarise children using
            a familiar digital medium
          • To engage with parents to answer their questions
            about Alder Hey and what may happen during         Future Plans
            their child’s visit to the hospital
                                                               The IT team at Alder Hey have provided continued
                                                               expert input to Alder Play and involvement has been
                                                               furthered enhanced by the GDE programme. As Alder
                                                               Play is introduced across the Trust, the Innovation Team
                                                               will work closely with departments to support adoption
                                                               and realise the benefits of Alder Play. Initial evaluation
                                                               of impact will be led by a strategic partnership with The
                                                               University of Liverpool.

                                                               Development of Alder Play will continue, informed by
                                                               the needs of children, families and staff. The Children
                                                               and Young Peoples
                                                               Forum have already       Niamh now says.
                                                               played a central role and   “It is exciting to see
        Reasons for Change                                     will continue to do so.   that the app is coming
                                                               Alder Play originated a   to life and providing
        The Alder Play app has been developed by the           number of years ago      entertainment for other
        Innovation Team at Alder Hey working in partnership    when a seven year        children like me. I
        with Alder Hey Children’s Charity. Designed with the   old patient Niamh        really like the ‘Ask Oli’
        help of young patients, the app is powered by the very   suggested to hospital   page which is really
        latest digital and cognitive advances.                 staff the idea for an app   helpful and means kids
                                                               to be created that would   and parents can ask
        Evidence suggests that distraction can reduce worries   distract children like   questions about their
        and fears in children, whilst rewards can support      her while they were in   stay in hospital.”
        positive health behaviours. Both approaches are used   hospital.
        widely across the hospital, but this is the first time a
        bespoke digital medium will assist staff to engage     3.3.3 PRIORITY 3 – Increase the
        children to enhance their experience of care.
                                                               Number of Defined Clinical Care
        Improvement                                            Pathways across our Specialties

        The app uses gaming and augmented reality to distract
                                                               In reviewing feedback from patients and staff, and in
        patients having procedures in hospital. Young patients
                                                               analysing complaints, incidents, mortality and morbidity
        choose an avatar which will help them understand their
                                                               reports, the Trust recognises that there is a degree of
        hospital visit before they arrive and guide them through
                                                               variation in care across the specialties and across the
        a tour of the main hospital areas.
                                                               week. We are committed to utilising best practice, such
                                                               as NICE guidelines, national service specifications and
        Rewards in the form of virtual stickers can be given by
                                                               other evidence to ensure the same standardised, high
        staff to acknowledge or encourage progress and there
                                                               quality care is delivered to all patients seven days a
        are games and video content to access too.
        Within Alder Play, parents are also able to interact
                                                               In striving to deliver this priority, the Trust agreed to
        with a chatbot called “Ask Oli” to ask questions about
                                                               place a specific focus on:
        the hospital and what may happen to their child. The
        chatbot is powered by artificial intelligence and can   • Developing care pathways across clinical specialties
        answer questions in real time.
                                                               • Developing a system of 7 day working

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