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Improvements                                            services provided on the Trust’s retained estate. This
                                                                has now been improved.
        • Implementation of the ‘cleanliness action plan’
          through Infection Prevention & Control has delivered   • Established a Patient Experience Task and Finish
          continued improvement over the past three             Group to address issues highlighted through PLACE
          inspections                                           inspection and through Family and Friends Test
        • Food and hydration has maintained the improvement
          from 2014, with specific improvements being made
          in offering healthy options, reducing availability of   Future Plans
          sugary snacks and creation of personal space for
                                                               • Collaborate with peer children’s trusts to undertake
          children and young people to eat on wards.            future PLACE assessments and share best practice
        • Privacy, Dignity and Wellbeing showed slight         • Introduce internal interim PLACE Assessments to be
          improvement on last year.                             carried out with volunteers 3 times a year
        • Established a ‘Blank Canvas’ group which consults    • Address PLACE assessment findings through newly
          with children and young people, to design bespoke     formed Patient Experience Task & Finish group.
          decoration throughout the hospital, reducing the
          bland clinical feel. This has supported consistent   • The Trust will continue to work with patients,
                                                                the public and external organisations such as
          improvement in Condition, Appearance and
          Maintenance                                           Healthwatch, and will again undertake a PLACE
                                                                assessment in 2018 to identify further opportunities
        • Disability has shown a worsening position. However    for improvement.
          this was related largely to wheelchair access to

        E. Healthwatch – Listening Event

        Healthwatch Liverpool and Healthwatch Knowsley visited Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust to gather
        feedback from patients and visitors. This included questions about the staff and their interaction with patients, the
        facilities and the food. Plus respondents were asked how many ‘gold stars’ would they give Alder Hey overall from 1
        (poor) to 5 (outstanding).

         Star Rating

         No of respondents (out of 32)  0        0            1                  7                   24

        The full results of the work completed by Healthwatch were fed back to the Trust. Whilst it was recognised this was
        the output of a small number of respondents, the Healthwatch report did comment, “Healthwatch was pleased to
        receive mostly positive feedback from patients about Alder Hey. Most service users had good things to say about
        Alder Hey and were positive about the care they received.”

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