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Improvements and Achievements 2017/18 • Develop a Standard Operating Procedure to support
development of tissue viability skills for out of hours
• The development of a Trust wide Pressure Ulcer
staff when specialist nurse is unavailable.
action plan incorporating previous action plans with
emphasis on education and training in prevention, • Development of a support structure for community
recognition and treatment of pressure ulcers. staff for access to specialised tissue viability
Progress of the action plan monitored through the knowledge. To include the nomination of link
IPCC and divisional governance meetings. personnel from the community.
• Implemented an e-learning package on Pressure • Commencement of a task and finish group to
Ulcer Prevention and Management and embedded examine and investigate the causes of endo-tracheal
advice on recommended grading of pressure ulcers mucosal pressure ulcers in the paediatric intensive
according to European Pressure Ulcer Advisory care unit (PICU) and to make recommendations to
Panel. help reduce incidences of the same.
• Developed an improved investigation tool for Grade 3 • Development of a new Tissue Viability Service to
and 4 pressure ulcers to determine if it was avoidable/ ensure continuity of the service seven days per week;
unavoidable consisting of a Tissue Viability Specialist Nurse,
Tissue Viability Support Nurse and Tissue Viability
• Embedded the investigation tool in the incident
reporting system (Ulysses) for easy access for staff Link Nurse System across the Trust.
• Development of an improved wound assessment tool
• Implemented Standard Operating Procedure on the
on the Meditech System.
reporting process when a pressure ulcer is identified
or suspected. • To embed the new Tissue Viability Service into the
awareness of Trust Staff.
• All avoidable hospital acquired Grade 3 and Grade
4 pressure ulcers have a comprehensive Root • Development of a rejuvenated Tissue Viability Link
Cause Analysis with action plans developed and Nurse System with monthly meetings and educational
implemented. sessions supported by industrial partners.
Future Plans • Replacement/adaptation of the Braden Q assessment
tool with a more suitable to the requirements of Alder
• Link e-learning package with Electronic Staff Record Hey.
(ESR). Work with community nursing team to support
• The exploration of alternative intravenous dressings
management of pressure ulcers in the community
through the intravenous Access and Therapy Group
• Development of a classification system, along with to help minimise the incidences of cannula acquired
CCG partners for the reporting of pressure ulcers. pressure ulcers.
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 133 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18