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When planning the workstreams for 2018/19 the focus has been on “doing the basics brilliantly” with the team
        wanting to lead change not just for the surgical division but with workstreams which will be far reaching and impact
        upon care for all patients and families attending the Trust.

        The metrics for improvement have been defined and presented as part of the annual plan and monitoring of these
        improvements will take place via the BIOC group.

           Pre-Operative Assessment           Incident Reporting and             Workforce Development
           Service                            Management
                                                                                 • NatSips
           • Improve safety, quality and      • Use of Ulysses within Theatres
                                                                                 • Recruitment and Retention
            patient experience
                                              • Safety Culture
                                                                                 • CPD, Training, Career
           • Reduce cancellations
                                                                                 • Human Factors

           Emergency Surgery                  Materials Management               • Theatre Scheduling and
           • Consolidate and further          • Reduced incidents/
            improve Emergency pathways          cancellations due to stock       • Re-allocated sessions
                                              • Reduce expired stock/wastage     • Review under-utilised lists
                                              • Reduce cost                      • Realignment of sessions

        3.3.10 Equality and Diversity                          2. Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) that
                                                               has 9 indicators comparing the data for white and
        Alder Hey continues with its commitment to try         black & minority ethnic (BME) staff. Four are based on
        to ensure that its services offer equal access for     workforce profile data, four on data from the NHS staff
        all communities who need to use them and that          survey questions and one on BME representation at
        all employees experience equal opportunity in          board level.
        employment. This means that we actively seek to
        engage with patients, parents and carers, as well as
        members of staff, to ensure that we do not discriminate
                                                                Aim: For Alder Hey to be an inclusive and
        against any individual and that the diversity of each
                                                                accessible place for all to visit and work, to meet
        individual is valued. The principles of equality and
                                                                our duties and in so doing to provide the best
        diversity are core elements of the Trust’s stated Values,
                                                                patient care possible.
        which are reinforced through the Trust’s induction
        programme and personal development review for
                                                                Targets: From the 2016/17 Equality Objectives Plan:
        all staff. We are able to monitor our performance in
        meeting our public sector equality duties (PSED)        • To increase the representation of black and
        as required by the Equality Act 2010, the NHS             minority (BME) ethnic staff
        Constitution, CQC inspection questions and NHS
                                                                • To improve the experience of families with
        commissioners through:
                                                                  learning disability/autism that visit Alder Hey
        1. Equality Delivery System (EDS2) that has eighteen    • To improve the involvement of patient and staff
        outcomes and four goals:                                  stakeholders in decision making
          1. Better Health Outcomes
                                                                • To improve the quality of staff data
          2. Improved Patient Access and Experience
                                                                • To improve the quality of patient data
          3. A Representative and supported workforce
                                                                • To ensure equality is embedded through the
          4. Inclusive Leadership                                 quality strategy

                                                                • To broaden equality training opportunities for staff

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