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Improving the Quality of Care Provided: now enables staff all over the hospital to observe
who is currently waiting on the emergency list and for
Human factors has been cited as a contributory cause
what procedure without attending the department.
during root cause analysis into many incidents within It also allows remote booking of patients as well as
the department over the past year. It was felt that a
prioritisation of list order and better oversight of how
multi-faceted approach would be the best way to
long children have been waiting for a procedure.
embed and sustain a change to a human factors way
or working to ensure that this becomes the “way we do
ELIS was the culmination of months of work across
things around here”.
clinical and support teams; and the whole team were
ecstatic to be given the award for game changing
The quality assurance team with the assistance of
research and innovation at the annual staff awards.
some of our clinical staff, clinicians and allied health
professionals have worked together to create a model Key Points of Focus For The Year Ahead:
of implementation for human factors training which
is currently under way. This will see the development • Creation of theatre/anaesthetics quality dashboard.
later this year of a clinical simulation package which • Development of ‘in-department’ mandatory training
support team training and communication; with the aim
package for all theatre staff to access.
to facilitate a more open culture and improvement in the
quality of care for our patients and job satisfaction for • Plan for human factors training development and
our staff. implementation.
Improving Care for Patients Requiring Emergency • Work with the regional network to develop a peer
review strategy to support benchmarking and
Surgery: consistency of care within the region.
A full time band 7 clinical lead was introduced into • Embed the TRiM (Trauma Risk Management) model
the emergency theatre last year. Since this we have of peer support within the department to enable rapid
seen improvement in the flow and efficiency of the debrief and support following traumatic incidents.
emergency list. • Develop and manage a clear SOP database for the
whole department which enables us to review our
A large part of improving the efficiency has been SOPs in a timely way and ensures they are easily
the development of the electronic booking system
locatable for all staff using them.
(Emergency List information System - ELIS) which
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 135 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18