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Improvements:                                          • Explore how our services can be made more
                                                                accessible in relation to information formats and
        • Increased the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME)
                                                                communication support for families and recording
          representation in the workforce from 190 to 222,
                                                                these preferences on patient records
          representing a 0.7% increase (refer to Section 3.3.4
          for details).                                        • Further work collaboratively with commissioners and
                                                                local Trusts to broaden opportunities to engage with
        • Developed induction training package for all
                                                                different community groups to progress the Trust’s
          volunteers and nurses in Learning Disability and
                                                                equality objectives.
          Autistic Spectrum Condition awareness.
                                                               • Continue to make training opportunities in cultural
        • Developed a flag on hospital computer system for
                                                                competence and unconscious bias available for staff.
          easy identification of patients with a learning disability.
                                                               • Undertake a detailed analysis of the results of the
        • Developed risk assessment/Mental Health First Aid
                                                                Gender Pay Gap Report and take steps to reduce the
          training for all areas across the Trust.
                                                                gender pay gap.
        • Adopted a collaborative approach with several
          Trusts in close partnership with Merseyside Clinical   3.3.11 Improving the Transition from
          Commissioning Groups to improve existing Equality
          Delivery System (EDS2) outcomes, with Alder Hey      Children and Young People Services to
          focussing on EDS2 goals 1 and 2 (patients). This work   Adult Services 2017/18
          is ongoing and will identify priorities for 2018/19.
        • EDS2 goal 3 (workforce) is supported by the Trust
          staff BME Network and the Disability Network that      Aim:
          represent the views of these staff groups. The BME     To establish a good quality,
          network also supports the progress of the Workforce    safe, effective and seamless
          Race Equality Standard (WRES) action plan.             transition to adult services,
                                                                 for children with complex long
        • The Trust continues to be a member of the
                                                                 term conditions.
          community advisory group.
        • Implemented the self-service aspects of the
          employee staff record (ESR), thereby providing staff   Transition to adult services (transition) is defined as
          with greater control over their personal data including   “a purposeful, planned process that addresses the
          demographic data.                                    medical, psychosocial and educational/vocational
                                                               needs of adolescents and young people with [long
        • Published our first gender pay gap report.
                                                               term] conditions as they move from child-centred to
        • The Trust has provided for British Sign Language     adult-oriented health care systems’ (DfES 2006).
          Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) located in the
          Emergency and Outpatient departments, available      Transition to adult services ensures that young people
          to all staff. This provides instant BSL interpretation   are able to access the most appropriate services
          services when required.                              according to their age, developmental needs and the
                                                               nature of their long term condition. If young people
        Future Plans                                           are not adequately supported through transition they
                                                               may not engage with adult health care providers, and
        • Establish an Equality and Diversity Steering Group.
                                                               this increases the risk of deterioration of their long
          This will enable the Trust to continually monitor
                                                               term condition. Transition to adult services can be a
          performance responding to evolving contractual and
                                                               traumatic period for young people, who commonly
          legislative requirements and the priorities identified by
                                                               fall between services or ‘disappear’ during transition,
                                                               disengaging from services and becoming lost to
        • Continue to improve the quality of patient and staff   follow up, only to present later in life with potentially
          data particularly in terms of capturing protected    avoidable complications. Additionally, if young people
          characteristics.                                     remain inappropriately in children’s services there is
        • Continue to improve the quality of equality analysis   less capacity within the Trust for younger children and
          (EA) and strengthen the assurance process regarding
          EA and to provide support to project and policy leads
          to ensure lawful decision making.
        • Research to identify barriers to accessing services
          will be undertaken through engagement with
          stakeholders in the community

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