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3.3.12 Learning Disability Strategy
and continues to work towards finding a solution.
Proposed plan is to pilot transitioning one patient, and
delivering joint paediatric and adult physiotherapy to
support training and development for adult services Aims:
• Presented AHFT Transition work at Greater • To improve the experience of children with a
Manchester Health and well-being board and have Learning Disability (LD) and/ or Autistic Spectrum
been identified as key players and invited to return to Condition (ASC).
the group in March 2018
• Improve Trust’s ability to identify children with a
• Become members to represent AHFT at the National LD/ASC and respond to their needs through the
transition network provision of reasonable adjustments (Equality Act
• Invited to present AHFT at National AQuA event in
March 2018 • Raise awareness of LD/ASC amongst staff
through bespoke training.
• Presented at AHFT Grand Round
• To build upon service user/carer and partnership
• Working closely with community paediatricians to
involvement in the LD/ASC strategy across the
address service gaps for ADHD/ASD patients moving
to adult services, and prescribing issues with GP’s
• After working in partnership with AQuA two years
ago on developing a paediatric friendly ‘Ask 3 Approximately 1.5 million people in the UK have a
Questions’ the draft versions have been received for learning disability (LD), including approximately 286,000
comments, we have given feedback and are awaiting children. Research shows that men with a LD die 13
confirmation to implement. We have requested Alder years sooner than peers, and women die 20 years
Hey’s logo to go onto these documents sooner than peers.
In partnership with Edge Hill University and supported
by commissioners, Alder Hey has made significant
improvements to the LD pathway.
Reasons for Change
Children and Young people with LD can present to any
service or specialty in the hospital and community.
The Trust recognises the need to identify this group of
children as early as possible to ensure the provision of
reasonable adjustments (Equality Act 2010) to support
their timely and successful access to healthcare, and
promote the best experience possible.
Front page of transition website at
Following cessation of the Trust agreed CQUIN
(Commissioning for Quality and Innovation) which was
Future Plans for 2018/19 designed to improve aspects of the LD pathway and
access to care, the Trust has made significant progress
• Further develop work on transition of patients with
in meeting the needs of this population.
complex conditions as per CQUIN for 2018/19
• Implement the transition folder for children with a In January 2018 a full time acute liaison team was
long term condition, to hold all their transition specific formed to continue to drive the LD/ASC agenda
information in and their personal transition plan forward in the trust. This team will continue to build
• Planning a third National Transition Conference, to be on improvements and will contribute to the ongoing
delivered in partnership with Lancashire, Manchester, partnership work across Liverpool via the Acute Liaison
NW Coast SCN, MHT, Claire House and Alder Hey, Network that has continued post CQUIN hosted by
as a North West approach to Transition to be held in Liverpool CCG.
June 2018
• Development of a ‘capacity, decision making and
best interest’ information leaflet in partnership with
Edge Hill University
• Continue to implement Transition specialty by
specialty Trust wide.
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 140 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18