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        STATEMENTS ON THE                                      I am happy to commend this report.”

        PARTNER ORGANISATIONS                                  Councillor Barbara Murray – Appointed Governor,
                                                               Liverpool City Council
        Commentary from Governors

                                                               “Thank you for giving me the opportunity to comment
        “I am satisfied that this thorough report addresses    on what is a very thorough and comprehensive quality
        areas of development by monitoring action plans,       report.
        targets and outcomes closely, using reliable evidential
        bases and statistics.                                  There are two specific areas which are of special
                                                               interest to me;
        The aim at Alder Hey is to be world class in every
                                                               • One, the involvement of children in the development
        aspect of providing high quality medical and health
                                                                of quality and services - which is an achievement
        care to children and young people. All concerns
                                                                identified for 2017/18 in the quality improvements
        are addressed with considered action and a full
                                                                progress update and
        understanding of the real issues involved. Complaints
        are taken seriously and the voices of children, parents   • The participation in clinical audit both nationally and
        and carers guide service development.                   locally. The Trust is clearly committed to involvement
                                                                across a whole range of clinical specialities and
        I am confident that this report reflects the remarkable   demonstrates wholehearted participation in work
        efforts staff are making on their journey to meet       which better identifies outcomes and the quality of
        milestones and excel in their practice.                 care given to our patients.

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust          147                          Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
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