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Looking to 2018/19 the environment continues to be     The Chief Executive and Executive Directors are
        challenging with changes to legislation through the    employed on permanent contracts of employment,
        introduction of GDPR meaning that some of the more     other than the Medical Director who is employed on
        traditional ways of funding are now dying out. During   an interim basis; they are entitled to receive three
        the year the Charity has reviewed its process, policies   months’ notice and may give six months’ notice.
        and practice to ensure it is GDPR compliant.           Provision is included within contracts of employment
                                                               for contracts to be terminated with immediate effect
        The Charity will continue to innovate in both fundraising   and without compensation in certain circumstances.
        and partnership activity to raise much needed funds for   In accordance with the Trust’s policy on senior
        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust. Toward the   managers’ remuneration, rates of pay for all senior
        end of 2018 the charity will be launching its next appeal   managers are based on job size, market intelligence
        which will focus on working more strategically with the   (including published remuneration surveys) and
        hospital to establish a national footprint to facilitate   performance. In addition, this assessment has also
        further growth.                                        taken into account NHS Improvement’s guidance on
                                                               ‘Established Pay Rates.’ They are also set with regard
        STATEMENT AS TO                                        to the remuneration of other Trust employees who hold
        DISCLOSURE OF                                          contracts under terms and conditions agreed nationally,
        INFORMATION TO AUDITORS                                by assessing relative and proportional rates of pay.

                                                               The Nominations Committee of the Council of
        The directors who were in office on the date of approval   Governors is responsible for setting the remuneration,
        of these financial statements have confirmed, as       allowances and other terms and conditions of Non-
        far as they are aware, that there is no relevant audit   Executive Directors. It comprises one appointed
        information of which the auditors are unaware. Each    governor and two elected governors, one of whom
        of the directors have confirmed that they have taken   must be a staff governor; its other members are
        all the steps that they ought to have taken as directors   the Trust Chair (or Acting Chair in the case of the
        in order to make themselves aware of any relevant      appointment of a new substantive Chair) and Chief
        audit information and to establish that it has been    Executive. The Committee’s duties are to review the
        communicated to the auditor.                           balance of skills, knowledge and expertise required on
                                                               the Board in the context of the challenges ahead and
        REMUNERATION REPORT                                    in this context to agree job roles, person specifications
                                                               and modes of advertisement, to undertake short-listing
                                                               and to make a formal appointment.
        The Appointments and Remuneration Committee of
        the Board of Directors is responsible for determining
                                                               The Trust Chair is responsible for assessing the
        the remuneration and terms and conditions of the Chief
        Executive, Executive Directors and non-voting Directors   performance of the Non-Executive Directors.
                                                               The Chair’s appraisal is undertaken by the Senior
        taking into account the results of the annual appraisal
                                                               Independent Director using an inclusive process across
        process. The Committee is chaired by the Trust
        Chairman and comprises all Non-Executive directors; it   members of the Board and Council of Governors, in
                                                               accordance with a policy which has been developed
        operates in accordance with:
                                                               to reflect best practice nationally. For Non-Executive
        • Legal requirements                                   Directors’ remuneration, comparative data is provided
        • The principles of probity                            to the Nominations Committee from comparative
                                                               organisations. Remuneration rates for Non-Executive
        •  Good people management practice
                                                               Directors have remained at the level set by the
        • Proper corporate governance                          Nominations Committee in 2009/10, with fee levels
                                                               benchmarked annually against the NHS Providers
        The Chair undertakes the annual appraisal of the Chief   remuneration survey and other sources.
        Executive, who in turn is responsible for assessing the
        performance of the Executive Directors and Associate   In May 2017 ten members of the Alder Hey Board were
        Directors. The Committee convened twice during the     asked by NHS Improvement to form an interim Board
        year with all Non-Executives attending.                at Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust, as part of
                                                               a six month management contract for the continuation
        The Committee’s focus in-year was on succession        of community services in the city whilst a final process
        planning and arrangements for Executive Director       was agreed for their transition to another provider.
        vacancies. The Committee received professional         The appointment process for the four Non-Executives
        advice from the Director of Human Resources and        was undertaken by NHS Improvement, in consultation
        Organisational Development, who has access to          with the Commissioner for Public Appointments,
        comparative information from the sector.               which included a pro-rata fee for service payment in

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