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The Alder Hey Children’s Charity                       • The patient experience and spiritual care team:
                                                                this services allow the delivery of enhanced level
        Autumn 2017 marked the fifth anniversary of the         of patient experience and therapy to patients
        re-launch of Alder Hey Children’s Charity in preparation   and families and staff to access whilst a user/
        for the new hospital appeal. Since that time the Charity   staff member of Alder Hey. The spiritual care team
        has grown both its supporter base and income bringing   provides a unique service to our patients and families
        on board national companies and raising income from     supporting them through the difficult journey when
        £1.3m per year to £7.7m in 2017/18. This has enabled    receiving specialist care at the Trust.
        the Charity to grant over £35million to Alder Hey
        Children’s NHS Foundation Trust to support state of    During the year, the Charity was also able to
        the art medical equipment, enhancement of patient      support the Trust’s plans to build a new home for its
        facilities and vital research.                         bereavement centre by securing a £1.4m from the
                                                               Treasury through LIBOR grant funding. This is a unique,
        To facilitate this growth, the team has expanded with 21   national centre of excellence which provides care and
        staff now employed within the Charity across all areas   education for anyone affected by the loss of a child.
        of fundraising. Investment in marketing has also been   The National Child Death Helpline is also run from this
        vital in raising awareness about The Alder Hey Charity   facility. It will be housed in a purpose built, state of the
        and the support we offer to patients and families at   art environment within the wider health park. Building is
        Alder Hey.                                             due to commence in the summer of 2018.

        During the 2017/18 financial year the Charity granted   In addition to this, the Charity was also able to secure
        further funds to support the second phase build of     a grant of £50,000 from The People’s Millions for a
        the research and education centre ‘The Institute in    project which brings music to children on wards,
        the Park’, bringing the total charity contribution to   fund enhanced medical equipment, such as heated
        this £27million build to £6.2million. This purpose built   cots for our youngest patients as well as support
        facility will support the Trust’s ambition to significantly   enhancements to patient waiting areas and distraction
        improve the fight against childhood disease and enable   along the route to the operating theatres.
        the development of better medicines and treatments,
        with the impact not only improving the lives of patients   The Charity continues to increase its strong community
        here in Liverpool but with the potential of helping young   fundraising base, particularly throughout the North
        people across the world.                               West. Income through sponsored events came in at
                                                               over £450k. Our own bespoke events are all now well
        The concept of the new ‘Institute in the Park’ was to   established and continue to be successful, grossing
        provide a state of the art facility alongside the new   over £250k. During 2018/19 we shall continue to expand
        Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, which will both attract   our fundraising base with the addition of a specific
        the best researchers in their field and enable joint   schools fundraiser.
        working with key universities to accelerate improvement
        in child health.                                       Lottery membership continues to grow steadily and
                                                               is particularly successful where canvassers work
        In addition to the research appeal, the Charity has    from within the hospital. Attrition rate has fallen and
        contributed a further £3million funding to support:    membership is now over 15,000.
        • Ward based catering: the ward based catering
          programme at the hospital provides a food on         Our corporate fundraising continues to make significant
          demand service on wards, encouraging healthy         impact at Alder Hey not only through financial
          eating and nutrition to support patients recovery to   donations but also through the sharing of expertise and
          health.                                              knowledge. Our partnership with Matalan continues
                                                               to offer significant support not only financially but in
        • Play at Alder Hey: Alder Hey treats over 270,000
                                                               raising awareness about Alder Hey through the annual
          young patients each year, many of whom are babies    campaign on social media. Liverpool John Lennon
          and require specialist distraction techniques to calm
                                                               airport continues to support the development of the
          them during enable procedures. Our young patients
                                                               Alder Play app and this partnership will be significant in
          also often who need specialist therapy before
                                                               our major fundraising event in the summer of 2018.
          treatment to help them deal with anxiety. Some of
          the other services the play team support include     During 2017/18 income from legacies rose significantly,
          organising daily play and art activities in the playroom
                                                               with several substantial gifts bringing our legacy income
          or at the bedside and using play to maintain a child’s
                                                               to over £2 million. This is an area which the Charity will
          level of development during illness. During 2017/18
                                                               continue to promote during the upcoming year.
          the charity was able to offer a one off grant to support
          this activity.

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust           41                          Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
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