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the quality of our services and patient and family sustainable model of care and improving clinical care,
experience of our services. Increasingly, Alder Hey is access and affordability. These include:
seeking to build and strengthen partnership working
• Urgent Care Delivery Board
with clinicians and wider staff groups through Listening
into Action, Hackathons held by the Innovation team, • Acute Sustainability Board
clinical leadership and development and improved • Women’s and Children’s Service Partnership
Alder Hey is committed to co-creating system-wide • Liverpool Integrated Care Provider Alliance
collaboration and shared models of care with our • Liverpool Children’s Transformation Board, which
strategic partners. In order to achieve this, the Trust has from 2018 will report directly to Liverpool’s Health and
continued to work proactively with local regional and Well Being Board.
national stakeholders. The focus during 2017/18 has
been to strengthen existing partnerships and develop Alder Hey actively supports and participates in game-
new ones to achieve the following aims: changing research. In 2017 Alder Hey achieved the
largest number of all adult and children research trials
1. Enhanced partnership working with trusts across in England. Alder Hey works in partnership with the
Cheshire and Merseyside in order to sustain and Universities in Liverpool to both support and engage in
improve the quality of care provided to children meaningful research that will help improve child health
and young people and their families. Alder Hey has outcomes in Liverpool. In 2018 there is a plan to create
continued to be a key member of the North West new senior clinical academic posts with academic
Congenital Heart Disease Partnership, working together partners, and to collaborate with the University of
to provide a fully compliant, resilient and clinically safe Liverpool across all three Faculties in line with the
service model for adults and children across the North NIHR Futures of Health Report. Alder Hey will work
West of England, North Wales and the Isle of Man. in partnership to ensure that significant infrastructure
The Partnership is now working together to deliver the awards are supported both deliver to plan and to grow.
agreed plan and new model of care during 2018 and
beyond. In addition, partnership working with Liverpool International Child Health
Women’s NHS Foundation Trust has resulted in an Developments
approved business case during 2017/18 for delivery of
a two site single service model for neonates requiring Alder Hey has a long history of engagement with
surgery and level 3 Critical Care. This joint model of International Child Health, encompassing a wide range
care will streamline patient transfers between hospitals of activities by both individuals and departments.
and improve quality of care, outcomes and patient Working internationally fully supports all aspects of
experience going forward. These new models are being the Trust’s strategic plan, the Trust vision: “building
funded through historical funding patterns and/or new a healthier future for children and young people”; the
business cases for new models of care agreed by Trust aspiration: “to be World leading” and our goals
commissioners. for: delivery of outstanding care, the best people
doing their best work, sustainability through external
2. Joint working with Manchester Children’s partnerships and game-changing research and
Hospital to continue to support and host clinical
networks working together to improve standards
International collaboration is ongoing with Kanti
and consistency of care and reduce unnecessary
Hospital in Nepal, the University of Malawi College
variation. Alder Hey Executive Directors meet with
of Medicine and Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in
Manchester Children’s Hospital Executives and
Blantyre, Malawi. The agreed schedule of work with the
jointly hold an annual Clinical Network Event to share
Al Jalila Children’s Hospital in Dubai was completed
best practice and promote good governance. There
and provided opportunities for staff to experience
are four mandated clinical networks for paediatric
international collaborative working in Dubai which
services: Neonatal, Trauma, Burns and Critical Care.
secured additional income for Alder Hey.
Alder Hey itself hosts the Neonatal Clinical Network,
Cardiac Network, Trauma Network and Neurosciences
The Trust continues to build its international reputation
and the international team has developed an expanded
network with international trade organisations including,
3. As a member of Liverpool Delivery System the Department of International Trade, Healthcare UK,
and in support of the Cheshire and Merseyside
and Liverpool Vision. An indication of the organisation’s
Sustainability and Transformation Five Year Forward
reputational reach is the hosting of thirteen official
View, Alder Hey is an active member of a number
visits from international delegations including visitors
of partnership groups concerned with building a
from Russia, China and the Middle East. The visits
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 37 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18