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All complainants are offered the opportunity to attend PALS
a meeting to resolve their concerns or to receive a 2013/14
written response. The complaint meeting is recorded 1248
and a copy is provided to the family for their own 2014/15
records. Subsequently, a response letter from the Chief 1133
Executive is sent to the complainant acknowledging 2015/16 1246
that the meeting has taken place and highlighting the
actions that have been agreed in response to issues 2016/17 1294
2017/18 1349
Learning from Complaints
An increase of 4% in PALS queries is
Alder Hey is a learning organisation and uses Comments noted this year – this is the third year
complaints as a mechanism for taking forward that PALS contacts have increased.
improvements and changes in practice. Actions taken
as a result of complaints during 2017/18 were as
follows: Improvements
• In response to a number of concerns highlighted • Earlier intervention from senior staff at a local level to
relating to mental health referrals the Trust has address the concerns raised provides a much more
devised a letter which will be sent out to parents on supportive approach and better outcomes.
receipt of referral acknowledging that their child is on
• High volume of concerns regarding poor access to
the waiting list. The letter will also be an information speak to staff on phone lines. The Chief Operating
tool showing the pathway stages and potential wait
Officer has led a project looking at new system
times for appointments. The letter also highlights
providing access to landline phones on mobile via a
a number of third sector partners (local charities /
new Avaya application.
voluntary sector) who may be able to provide support
during the waiting time for assessment.
• Issues highlighted regarding concerns within
Ophthalmology service resulted in additional Involvement in the Local Health
Consultants recruited to posts.
• Access to British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters
– this was highlighted twice to the Trust and the Alder Hey provides more than 45 clinical specialties for
difficulties sourcing on site BSL interpreters. A trial of children up to the age of 16 to 18. As part of delivering
a system that allows BSL interpreter to be accessed individual patient care pathways prior to, during and
via desktop computer during an Emergency after each child’s admission to hospital, clinicians and
Department appointment or an Outpatient clinical teams work in partnership with referring general
appointment has been undertaken and is currently in practitioners, clinicians/hospitals from across the UK
the process of being purchased permanently. and overseas. Alder Hey also works in partnership
with Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and
Management of Complaints and Concerns Specialised Commissioners at NHS England to inform
and deliver service contracts that meet the needs of
The model of devolved governance implemented children served within available resources. Alder Hey
through the quality strategy is intended to drive
provides community and mental health paediatric
early supportive intervention by the relevant clinical
services in Liverpool; its partnership with Liverpool
teams and Divisions so that children, young people
City Council is resulting in improved collaborative
and their families have the best experience, with any
working at neighbourhood level to better support care
issues raised locally being dealt with immediately and closer to home. During 2017/18 the local Children’s
Transformation Board has agreed key priorities to
Patient Advice and Liaison Service improve the well-being of children in Liverpool. These
priorities are also reflected in the City of Liverpool’s
growth plan and the LCCG ‘One Liverpool’ Plan for
The PALS service has continued to provide essential
2018/19. This means that there is Liverpool system-
informal advice to families using Alder Hey; the team
wide support and recognition of the priorities for
is highly visible and accessible via their base in the
Atrium. In the coming year a project to understand
the impact of addressing concerns within ward areas
Alder Hey works closely with a wide range of Trades
will be implemented to provide immediate and local
Union, professional, voluntary organisations, volunteers
response to issues as they arise.
and our Council of Governors to continue to improve
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 36 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18