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time the turnover of the business increased from £3m   organisation and a Local Authority. Anita has pioneered
        to £200m. Between January 2011 and October 2013        integrated working between Local Government and
        he was a director of the business responsible for      the NHS for many years and the model of partnership
        acquisitions. Ian is now the Group Chief Executive of   working that she has developed has been adopted and
        The Clearway Group Limited, a void property services   implemented successfully in other parts of the country.
        group.                                                 She has a strong reputation nationally for promoting
                                                               and implementing innovative solutions to tackle health
        Jeannie France-Hayhurst - Non-Executive                inequalities. Her work has been acknowledged through
        Director                                               several awards including an MBE for services to health
                                                               and social care in 2008. In 2010 Anita was seconded
        Jeannie took up her role at Alder Hey in July 2013 and   to the Department of Health as Managing Director
        was re-appointed for a second term of three years in   (Director General level) to lead the setting up of Public
        June 2016. She is a highly-regarded family law barrister   Health England (an executive agency of the DH) as the
        with wide experience of the voluntary sector, politics   delivery arm for DH public health policy, in line with
        and the commercial world. She is known throughout      changes introduced by the Health and Social Care
        the wider community in the North West as a fearless    Act 2012. In 2017 Anita was awarded an Honorary
        advocate and is much sought after on the seminar/      Membership of the Faculty of Public Health.
        lecturing circuit. Jeannie has made time in her busy
        career for voluntary and charitable work and has       Dame Jo Williams - Non-Executive Director
        extensive experience of dealing with vulnerable adults
        and the socially disadvantaged. She has significant    Dame Jo joined Alder Hey in November 2016. She
        experience of service on boards and committees at      trained at Keele University as a social worker alongside
        both local and national level.                         studying for a dual honours degree. Once qualified
                                                               she spent the next 30 years in the public sector; the
        Claire Dove OBE - Non-Executive Director               last ten as a Director of Social Services firstly in the
        and Chair of the Workforce and Organisational          Metropolitan Borough of Wigan and then Cheshire
        Development Committee                                  County Council. She then worked for five years as Chief
                                                               Executive of the Royal Mencap Society. Her full time
                                                               working career concluded with a three year period as
        Claire joined the Alder Hey Board in October 2013 and
                                                               Chair of the Care Quality Commission. Twice honoured
        was re-appointed for a second term in September
                                                               by the Queen, she received a CBE in 2000 and a DBE
        2016. She is a high impact leader of social change
                                                               in 2008. Dame Jo has always been driven by a passion
        and brings a track record of success from a variety of
                                                               for equality of opportunity, fairness and justice and is a
        non-executive, executive and community leadership
                                                               strong believer in team work and partnership. Currently
        roles – shaping policy and practice in the business,
                                                               the Chair of Vivo Care Services, a member of Keele
        social enterprise and charity worlds. Renowned in
                                                               University Council, a trustee of Dartington Hall Trust
        Merseyside, known nationally and internationally,
                                                               and a Deputy Lieutenant in Cheshire.
        Claire’s work in education, regeneration, anti-poverty,
        equality and fairness arenas positions her as an
        independent thinker, experienced practitioner and      DECLARATION OF
        trusted adviser to many. She was awarded an OBE for
        services to education in 2012. Claire’s achievements
        cross many decades, fields and roles. Having built the   A copy of the Register of Interests is available by
        award winning Blackburne House Group (BHG) over        request from Erica Saunders, Director of Corporate
        the last 30 years, her attention is now moving towards   Affairs via the Membership Office on 0151 252 5128 or
        growing a portfolio of roles to complement her work at   by email at
                                                               POLITICAL DONATIONS
        Anita Marsland MBE - Non-Executive Director
        and Chair of the Clinical Quality Assurance            Alder Hey did not make any political donations during

        Anita was appointed to the Board in July 2014 and
        was re-appointed for a second term in June 2017. She
        began her career in Local Government in 1974 and
        is a qualified a social worker. She later held a range
        of senior management posts, rising to Chief Officer.
        In 2002 Anita became one of the country’s first joint
        Chief Executive appointments between an NHS

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