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Mags Barnaby - Interim Chief Operating Officer at the highest levels in government and the UK health
(non-voting) (to December 2017) services. Mark has worked at Board level in a number
of high profile health organisations, including: the Royal
Mags has extensive senior level experience in College of General Practitioners; the Royal College of
planning and delivering services to achieve national Nursing and Diabetes UK.
and local targets, and in the strategic and operational
management of change. She is passionate about Non-Executive Directors
the NHS and driven by a desire to make a positive
difference to the quality of services for patients and Steve Igoe - Non Executive Director/Senior
staff. One of her key strengths is an innate ability to
identify the links in complex problems, particularly the Independent Director and Chair of the Audit
human dimension, in order to develop strategic vision Committee
and problem solving. In over 25 years working at a
senior level in the NHS, Mags has held substantive Steve joined the Alder Hey Board in October 2010
appointments as Director of Human Resources, and was re-appointed by the Council of Governors in
Director of Operations, and Director of Planning and September 2013 for a further three years. In September
Strategy in England and Wales. She was awarded a 2016 the Council of Governors approved Steve’s
BA (Hons) at Warwick University in 1984, following re-appointment for a further twelve month period in
which she studied a number of professional and post- order to ensure continuity on the Board. Steve is the
graduate courses including MSc Strategic Human Deputy Vice-Chancellor at Edge Hill University and a
Resources Management (Leeds Business School 1991), Chartered Accountant by training. Prior to working for
MIPD (1997), Postgraduate Certificate with the National Edge Hill, he worked for Coopers and Lybrand Deloitte
Leadership and Innovation Agency (Birkbeck College a predecessor firm of Price Waterhouse Coopers as
2007). In 2016 Mags attended Harvard Business School a Senior Manager in their North West offices. In his
to study Advanced Negotiation Skills for Strategic current role he has Board responsibility for Finance,
Decision Making. IT, HR, Infrastructure and Estate Developments,
Facilities Management, Learning Services and Strategic
Louise Dunn - Director of Communications and Planning. He has previously advised the Government
Marketing (non-voting) (to 31 May 2017) on the regulation of the Higher Education sector and
was an adviser to the Higher Education Funding
Louise joined Alder Hey with over 20 years’ experience Council for England (HEFCE) Board on leadership,
working in the pharmaceutical industry. Most recently governance and management and costing systems
she was Vice President of Communications for within higher education. Steve has been a Governor of a
Research and Development and Global Commercial large acute NHS trust, a trustee of a charity specialising
Franchises at GlaxoSmithKline. In this role, she led in respiratory education and an executive and founding
internal and external communications around a director of a substantial IT network company. As well
multi-year transformation of GSK’s global research as acting as chair of the Trust’s Audit Committee Steve
and development and the subsequent commercial also chairs the Integrated Governance Committee
launches of a number of new medicines. Prior to this and is a member of the Clinical Quality Assurance
she worked in GSK’s International, Global and UK Committee. Steve is also the trust’s Freedom to Speak
Operations. Louise graduated in biochemistry from up Guardian.
Oxford University in 1992 and started her career in
consultancy. At Alder Hey, Louise’s priorities are to Ian Quinlan - Non-Executive Director/Vice Chair
build the reputation of the organisation, enhance the of the Board and Chair of the Resources and
Alder Hey brand and engage employees in the long Business Development Committee
term business strategy. Louise is responsible for
marketing and communications for both the Trust and Ian joined the Alder Hey Board in September 2011
the Alder Hey Children’s Charity. and was re-appointed for a second term of three
years in September 2014. He was re-appointed by the
Mark Flannagan, Director of Communications and Governors for a further 12 months in September 2017.
Marketing (non-voting) (from July 2017) Ian is a Chartered Accountant and joined Ernst and
Whinney (now Ernst and Young) in 1974 and in 1982,
Prior to joining Alder Hey, Mark was the Chief Executive became a partner. In 1988 he became Group Finance
of the charity Beating Bowel Cancer from 2010 to 2017. Director of the Albert Fisher Group PLC, a leading
In that role he led advocacy around access to cancer global food processor and distributor. From 2003 to
medicines and took a high profile role in advocating for 2013, Ian held senior positions with VPS Holdings
a new approach that involved patient experience. He Limited, which is the largest void property services
is widely recognised as a highly experienced speaker, company in the world. Between 2003 and the beginning
policy analyst and communicator and has connection of 2011 he was Group Chief Executive, during which
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 30 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18