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Better Payments Practice Code –                        GOING CONCERN
        Measure of Compliance

                                                               The Trust’s financial plan for 2017/18 will achieve a
        In line with other public sector bodies, NHS           ‘normalised surplus’ of £22m and achieve a Use of
        organisations are required to pay invoices within 30   Resources rating of 1.
        days or within the agreed
        payment terms whichever                                After making enquiries, the directors have a reasonable
        is sooner. This is known
                                                               expectation that the Alder Hey Children’s NHS
        as the Better Payment                                  Foundation Trust has adequate resources to continue in
        Practice Code. NHS trusts                              operational existence for the foreseeable future. For this
        are required to ensure that                            reason, they continue to adopt the going concern basis
        at least 95% of invoices are                           in preparing the accounts.
        dealt with in line with this
        code. Performance against                              POST BALANCE SHEET
        this code is provided in the
        table below.                                           EVENTS
                                                               There are no material contingent liabilities or material
                                                               litigation as far as the Board is aware; to the extent
                                      2017/18     2016/17      that if there is potential litigation it is believed that this
                                                               will be covered by the NHS Litigation Authority. For
         % of Invoices Paid
                                        88%          84%       these reasons, the Trust continues to adopt the going
         Within 30 Days
                                                               concern basis in preparing the accounts.
                                                               BOARD STATEMENT
        Accounting Policies
                                                               The Directors consider that the Annual Report and
        There have been no significant changes to our          Accounts, taken as a whole, are fair, balanced and
        accounting policies since authorisation as a foundation   understandable and provide the information necessary
        trust. We have complied with the cost allocated and    for patients, regulators and stakeholders to assess
        charging requirements set out in HM Treasury and       Alder Hey’s performance, business model and strategy.
        Office of Public Sector Information guidance and
        followed the NHS costing manual and best practice      The Board of Directors approved the foregoing
        guidance published by NHS Improvement. The Finance     Performance Report at its meeting on 22nd May 2018.
        Department works with all financially significant
        departments to use the activity information available   Signed on behalf of the Board.
        within the Trust and an established NHS costing
                                                               Louise Shepherd
        package to appropriately allocate expenditure to
        services and patients.
                                                               LOUISE SHEPHERD CBE
                                                               Chief Executive
                                                               22nd May 2018

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