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Expenditure               Clinical Negligence 2%       Financial and Operating Risk
                                     Depreciation 3%
        Operating expenses                                     A&E activity, outpatients and non-electives exceeded
        totalled £248.1m for the     Impairments 7%            plan for the year whereas electives were below plan.
        year and as in previous
        years, staff costs              Drugs 8%               Total clinical income for the year was £213.4m, which
        account for the largest                                exceeded the plan figure by £8.9m. Total normalised
        use of resources,               Other 9%               expenditure (excluding technical issues) for the year
        60%. An analysis of                                    was £236.1m which was £6.5m higher than the
        operating expenses by                                  plan of £229.6m. Expenditure on pay exceeded the
        type is shown in the           Supplies and            plan by £3.4m which included agency staff totalling
        chart:                         Services 11%            £1.6m although this is partly offset by vacancies in
                                                               substantive posts. Drugs expenditure was £3.2m higher
                                                               than planned although some of this was recovered
                                        Employee               via income for specialist drugs not funded through
                                        Expenses               Payment by Results.
                                                               £7.6m of cost improvements (CIP) and efficiency
                                                               savings were achieved during the year.

        Capital Investment Programme

        During the year the Trust completed £16.8m of capital investments which will significantly improve services for both
        patients and staff. A summary of capital investment undertaken in the year is provided in the table below:

         Capital Investment        Investment Benefit from Activities                                     Value
         Scheme                                                                                           £'000

         Estates                  Includes interim and retained estates associated with hospital move and   1,519
                                  Further progress on the Research and Education building Phase 2.        9,266

         Information Technology   Investment in IM&T including GDE and Electronic Patient Record costs.   3,526

         Medical Equipment        Investment in medical equipment inclusive of equipment replacement cycle.  1,503
                                  Finance leases taken out for essential medical equipment - defibrillators and   353
         Alder Hey in the Park    New hospital non-medical equipment and site development costs.           634

         Total Capital Investment 2017/18                                                                 16,801

                   ESTATES               INFORMATION                  MEDICAL                 ALDER HEY IN
                                          TECHNOLOGY                 EQUIPMENT                  THE PARK

           1,519,000        9,266,000         3,526,000         1,503,000        353,000           634,000
           Interim /      Progress on the     Investment        Investment    Finance leases for   Non-medical
         retained estates   Research and       in IM&T          in medical    essential medical   equipment and
         / hospital move  Education building                    equipment       equipment       site development

                    T O T AL   C AP I T A L   I NV E S T M EN T  2 0 1 7/ 1 8   I S      1 6, 8 0 1 , 0 0 0

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust           24                          Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
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