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Louise Shepherd CBE - Chief Executive In 2010 Steve was appointed as Medical Director at
Barts and the London NHS Trust, then in 2012 as Barts
Louise joined Alder Hey as Chief Executive in March
Health’s inaugural Medical Director. He maintained a
2008, since when she has led the Trust through a
long-standing interest in public health and appointed a
major transformation into Europe’s only Children’s
Director of Public Health to his team to join a Director
Health Park, designed by and for children and young
of Primary Care. Steve aimed to work closely with local
people and opened by Her Majesty the Queen in
GPs to build more effective care pathways, as well
2016. The Park aims to provide a unique wellbeing and
as facilitating reconfiguration of specialist cancer and
healing environment for all children and young people
cardiac services.
and comprises a state of the art specialist children’s
hospital, dedicated research and education facilities,
During 2015 Steve was Strategic Transformation Lead
an innovation centre, clinical research facility and family
for the Healthy London Partnership for Mental Health
support and bereavement centre.
Care Transformation for children and young people –
supporting the implementation of the national strategy
Previously CEO of Liverpool Women’s Hospital,
“Future in Mind” across London. He has also supported
Louise first joined the NHS as Director of Business
the clinical leaders in two London STPs, been a
Development at Birmingham Heartlands Hospital in
governing body member of Barking and Dagenham
1993 from KPMG, where she spent four years as a
and Havering CCGs and acted as an adviser to the a
financial and management consultant to the public
Royal Free Hospital on clinical equipment procurement.
sector. A qualified accountant, Louise was Director of
Steve returned to Alder Hey as interim Medical Director
Finance at the Countess of Chester NHS Foundation
in April 2017.
Trust before she took over as CEO at Liverpool
Women’s Hospital. From March 2016 Louise was the Hilda Gwilliams - Chief Nurse
lead for the Cheshire and Merseyside Sustainability
and Transformation Programme, working with partners Hilda joined Alder Hey in February 2013 as Deputy
across the system to take forward the NHS Five Year Director of Nursing and has was appointed as Chief
Forward View in the local area. She stepped down from Nurse in 2017. Formerly, Hilda was deputy Director of
this role in May 2017. Nursing at St Helens and Knowsley NHS Trust for three
years where she gained experience in moving hospital
A graduate of the University of Cambridge, Louise has services from an old build to a new purpose built
a strong interest in the Arts and served on the Board hospital. She qualified as a nurse in 1984 and spent a
of The Liverpool Philharmonic for six years and plays number of years in a variety of clinical roles in surgical
violin for the Liverpool Mozart Orchestra. Louise was specialties including neurosurgical intensive care. Hilda
awarded a CBE for services to Healthcare in 2017. has maintained strong educational links and continues
to provide professional guidance in relation to ‘fitness
Executive Directors for practice’ concerns pertaining to students at local
HEI’s. Hilda holds an MSc in Health and Social Care
Dr Steve Ryan - Medical Director from Edge Hill University.
Having graduated from the University of Leeds, Steve John Grinnell - Director of Finance and Deputy
completed his medical training as a paediatrician in Chief Executive
and around Leeds and Manchester. He took up his first
consultant role in Liverpool working as an academic John joined Alder Hey in April 2017 as Director of
and general and neonatal paediatrician. He developed Finance and Deputy Chief Executive. His NHS career
a major interest in the use of effective communication began via the National Finance Graduate Trainee
skills, joining the faculty established by Merseyside scheme, and he has worked in a variety of roles,
GPs. including the Deputy Director of Performance at the
University Hospital of North Staffordshire, and Deputy
Subsequently he focussed his clinical work on general Director of Finance at South Manchester University
paediatrics, establishing a headache specialist service Hospital.
and a service for the medical treatment of brittle
bone disease. Increasingly interested in leadership he He joined The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt
was first appointed as Medical Director of Alder Hey Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation (RJAH) Trust
Children’s Hospital in 2004, and was there when it in Oswestry as Director of Finance in 2008 and played
became a Foundation Trust in 2008. At about that time a key role in supporting the organisation’s successful
he was invited to be Clinical Chair of the Next Stage Foundation Trust application. He also worked with the
(Darzi) National review subsequently becoming the Strategic Orthopaedic Alliance (SOA) to ensure that the
Deputy Medical Director for NHS North West England. voice of specialist orthopaedic providers is heard within
the national financial agenda.
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 28 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18