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Chair and Chief Executive
Sir David Henshaw - Chair
Sir David took up post as Chair of Alder Hey in February initiatives his team brought to the region, including
2011; he was re-appointed in January 2014 for a securing the award of European Capital of Culture in
second term of three years and in December 2016 and 2008. Alongside his role at Alder Hey, Sir David has also
December 2017 the Council of Governors approved his been a Chair and Non-Executive Director for a number
re-appointment for a further twelve months in order to of other public and private organisations.
ensure leadership continuity on the Board. Among his Sir David has been asked by Monitor and subsequently
many achievements, Sir David was responsible for the NHS Improvement, to take on the role of Interim Chair
review of the child support system in the UK in 2007. He at four other NHS organisations over the past six years:
was also involved in the Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit between February 2012 and April 2013 at University
Capability Review Programme of central government Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust;
departments. Alongside his valuable experience within at Dorset Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust which
the health arena, including as Chair of NHS North West he undertook from October 2013 to April 2014; at St
for four years, Sir David has worked extensively in local Georges NHS Foundation Trust in London for twelve
government. He spent ten years at Knowsley Borough months from March 2016 and most recently at Wirral
Council before being appointed as Chief Executive of University Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Liverpool City Council, a role which he occupied for from February 2018 for a period of six months. In March
seven years. Today, Merseyside residents see and are 2017 Sir David was appointed as the chair of National
enjoying the benefits from many of the regeneration Museums Liverpool.
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 27 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18