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Regulatory Ratings

        NHS Improvement uses metrics to assess financial performance by scoring each metric from 1 (best) to 4. The Trust
        has achieved an overall Use of Resources rating of 1 which is better than the planned rating of 2. The breakdown of
        our rating is provided below.

         Criterion                         Measure                   Weighting          2017/18         2017/18
                                Shows Ratio of Liquid Assets to
         Liquidity (Days)                                                 20%             30.56                1
                                Total Assets
                                Shows Revenue Available for
         Capital Service Cover                                            20%                2.6               1
                                Capital Service

         I&E Margin             Shows Underlying Performance              20%            8.46%                 1

                                Shows Performance Against
         I&E Variance                                                     20%            8.40%                 1
                                Shows Agency Spend
         Agency                                                           20%           -55.96%                1
                                Performance Against Ceiling
         Use of Resources


        Total income received by the Trust in the year ended 31st March 2018 was £264m with £213m (81%) coming from
        the delivery of clinical services. The Trust’s clinical income comes from three main contracts. Our principal contract
        is with NHS England to provide tertiary services with a value of £127m. The Trust also has a contract hosted by
        Liverpool CCG to provide secondary services with a value of £55m. In addition the Trust has a contract with Welsh
        commissioners to provide secondary and tertiary services with a value of £15m. The £51m non-clinical income
        includes STF, donations from charities, education and training levies, research activities, services provided to other
        organisations and commercial activities such as the provision of catering services.

        Income by Source 2017/18

        Clinical         19%



        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust           22                          Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
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