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               Alder Hey - Building of the Decade                             NIHR Children
                                                                              and Young Person’s
                                                                              Medtech Collaborative
                                                                              Centre for Paediatric
                                                                              Surgical Technology

                                                                              The Innovation hub has
                                                                              been successful in a joint
                                                                              bid to the NIHR with other
                                                                              UK children’s hospitals to
                                                                              create a children’s medtech
                                                                              collaborative. From April we will
                                                                              be leading the UK in the area of
                                                                              Paediatric Surgical technology
                                                                              development as part of the
                                                                              multi-year £1.4 million grant.

               David Houghton, Project Manager, Development Team
                                                                             Health Innovation

               Alder Hey in the Park                                         Exchange
               was recently crowned
               the BBC Building of
               the Decade. The award
               was voted for by the
               viewers of BBC North
               West Tonight and is
               a huge achievement
               for everyone involved
               in the building of our
                                                                            The Trust’s Innovation Hub
               new hospital. Alder                                          continues to grow rapidly after
               Hey originally won the
                                                                            successfully winning a three year
               Merseyside category
                                                                            European Regional Development
               a few weeks ago                                              Fund grant worth £650,000 to
               and subsequently
                                                                            promote healthcare innovation in
               beat off competition                                         the Liverpool region. By allowing
               from Maggie’s at the
                                                                            local health tech businesses to
               Christie, Brockholes
                                                                            understand Alder Hey’s problems
               Nature Reserve and                                           and speak to clinicians, potential
               the Storyhouse.
                                                                            solutions can be generated and
                                                                            tested quickly.

              University of Liverpool Science and Engineering Student Placements

              Alder Hey has been working very closely with the   our summer school graduates in has had great
              University of Liverpool’s Faculty of Science and   success, winning venture capital funding for their
              Engineering to facilitate student projects to solve   sample mix up prevention gadget, in partnership
              difficult clinical problems with technology. One of   with our pathology department.

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust           17                          Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
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