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        ALDER HEY’S APPROACH                                   multidisciplinary approach which created sufficient

                                                               capacity to manage the predicted increases in
        Reflecting the Trust’s drive to continue to deliver    emergency demand whilst providing enough flexibility
        outstanding care, we have again revised our Key        to support the elective programme. The Trust’s
        Performance Indicators (KPI’s) linked to regulatory    capacity and demand predictor ensured hospital
        requirements within our Integrated Performance         occupancy was developed around optimal levels with
        Framework. This has ensured that our KPI’s are fit     the ability to flex to accommodate forecast flu cases.
        for purpose and set against challenging standards to   A revised approach to managing activity across the
        support best practice. The Corporate Performance       hospital was successfully implemented which ensured
        Report has been completely revised to reflect CQC Key   patient flow was maximized through the challenging
        Lines of Enquiry and developed to reflect increased    periods and minimised the number of delays and
        accountability and transparency, with a focus on       consequent four hour breaches. The whole system
        SMART actions being taken to recover the position of   approach therefore supported the delivery of all access
        any indicator going off track in a timely way. The report   standards.
        is supported by an electronic business intelligence
        system which enables the Divisions to drill down into   The Trust continues to review productivity and look at
        key financial, operational and clinical metrics at service   how the new estate can support safe, effective and
        line and even individual patient level. This now forms the   efficient delivery of care. Five bespoke programmes
        basis of our newly developed monthly Executive review   have been developed with a view to focusing on
        where each Division leads the discussion and presents   quality and patient experience which will support
        by exception on areas that require improvement.        the optimisation of efficiency and productivity.
                                                               These schemes will focus on hospital flow,
        PERFORMANCE AGAINST                                    outpatient services, brilliant booking and scheduling,
        NATIONAL PRIORITIES                                    comprehensive mental health and models of care; each
                                                               being led by a senior manager within the Trust with
        The Trust again met all of its access targets in       Executive sponsorship.
        2017/18. A robust Winter Plan was developed with a

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust           15                          Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
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