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3D Printing

            Alder Hey’s 3D printing hub in
            partnership with 3DLifePrints has
            gone from strength to strength
            with new high resolution 3D
            printers arriving in the Innovation
            Hub. We now have access to
            seven printers and an onsite team
            of 3D print engineers.

            Last year surgeons from Alder Hey
            used hyper realistic operable 3D
            printed models provided by 3DLP
            to perform
            an expo
            of modern
            cardiac and
            at the Arab
            Health                            Trust Clinical Director for Innovation Mr Iain Hennessey,
            Conference                        Consultant Paediatric Surgeon
            in Dubai.

              ‘No Isolation’ Robot                                                       Appointment
                                                                                         to Key

              In partnership with                                                        Innovation
              No Isolation, a                                                            Board
              remote tele robotics
              company, we trialed                                                        Positions
              three robots to
              reduce the feeling of                                                      Iain Hennessey,
              isolation for some of                                                      Clinical Director
              our sickest children.                                                      of Innovation
                                                                                         and Consultant
              The robots were                                                            Paediatric
              placed in the                                                              Surgeon has
              patients’ schools                                                          been appointed
              and then linked to                                                         to key board
              their hospital rooms                                                       level positions
              by tablet.                                                                 within partner
                                                                                         organisations to
              The controllable                                                           further advance
              robots allowed                                                             healthcare
              the children to                                                            innovation. These
              interact with their                                                        include the board
              classmates and feel                                                        of the NHS
              more involved in                                                           Innovation Agency
              their class, despite                                                       and the Liverpool
              being miles away in                                                        Enterprise Partners
              their hospital bed.                                                        Innovation Board.

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust           19                          Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
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