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• Applied clinical research performance has again patients and sharing learning and resources with
excelled within the Trust. Over 9,000 children and other local organisations through networks. During
young people have been enrolled into clinical 2017/18 a large scale project to digitise clinical
research studies registered with the NIHR Clinical pathways by specialty was commenced.
Research Network. This places Alder Hey 15th from
• The Trust delivered its obligations to patients under
nearly 500 NHS trusts for research volume and a
the NHS Constitution, meeting all mandated access
significant indicator of improved outcomes and
targets including the 4 hour A&E target, achieving
97% in March 2018.
• The Trust hosted a successful site inspection by
• The clinical Divisions delivered 6% more elective
the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory
operations, 2% more non-elective procedures and
Agency, confirming the high standards of safety and
6% more outpatient appointments compared to last
quality which underpin the Trust’s extensive research
programmes into developing new medicines for
• The Trust enhanced its ability to offer children and
young people ‘Trials that Transform Lives’ through
renewed membership of the Paediatric Experimental 6%^ 6%^
Cancer Medicine Centres and growth within the
National Institute for Health Research Alder Hey
Clinical Research Facility for Experimental Medicine
and the UK’s only Experimental Arthritis Treatment
Centre for Children. 2%^
• Alder Hey demonstrated its status as the premier
partner for children’s health research through a range
of new joint appointments and studentships with
partner universities: University of Liverpool, Liverpool
John Moore’s University, University of Central NON-ELECTIVE ELECTIVE OUTPATIENT
Strong Foundations
• Our winter plan has ensured that we maintained the
• The Trust delivered its financial plan and generated delivery of elective activity across a challenging winter
a control total surplus of £22m; this sum includes period and reduced cancellations on the day and 28
a significant share of national Sustainability and day breaches.
Transformation Fund monies awarded to those trusts
that were able to achieve their control total.
Reduced Reduced
cancellations 28 day
GENER ATED A on the day breaches
£22 • Alder Hey also demonstrated full compliance against
million its Provider Licence issued by NHS Improvement and
with its CQC registration.
• Alder Hey continued to progress with its plans as
part of NHS England’s Global Digital Excellence
programme, which aims to lead the way for the entire
system to move faster in getting better information
technology on the ground, delivering benefits for
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 14 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18