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on developing the cardiac network across the region in   that the research experience of children and young
        order to provide seamless pathways of care for children   people is bound within the best possible standards of
        with congenital heart problems.                        quality, safety and excellence.

        Alder Hey continues to be a top performing trust. We   Alder Hey is an organisation focused on innovation
        remain registered with the Care Quality Commission     and finding novel solutions to challenges. With the
        (CQC) without conditions. Our ratings from the health   charitable sector and research into exciting new
        sector regulator, Monitor and from April 2016 NHS      therapies for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, the
        Improvement, have been generally among the highest     Trust has been at the forefront of developing and
        available since authorisation as an NHS foundation     testing a novel resource model to increase capacity to
        trust in 2008 and we have consistently achieved the    deliver DMD research studies and meet the needs of
        majority of the government’s NHS Constitution access   affected families and study sponsors. In 2017/18, the
        and quality targets. In 2017/18 the Trust planned a use   resourcing plan reached maturity and the outputs will
        of resources risk rating of 2 (NHSI’s financial risk rating)   be of national significance and may herald new ways of
        but actually achieved a rating of 1, which is the highest   working between the charitable and NHS sectors.
        possible, due to our better than expected financial
        performance.                                           The Trust places meaningful involvement and
                                                               engagement of children, young people and families at
        The year saw much progress and achievement against     the heart of its research activities. In 2017/18, through
        the Trust’s Integrated Research Strategy for Child     the NIHR Alder Hey Clinical Research Facility, the Trust
        Health in partnership with the University of Liverpool   has enhanced its international reputation for public
        and other academic institutions.                       engagement in research and leadership in the field.
                                                               The ‘Alder Hey Way’ has been showcased at multiple
        Since opening, the Alder Hey Institute in the Park has   national and international conferences by children and
        provided a fertile environment for researchers from    young people themselves. The Trust prides itself on
        within the Trust and the University of Liverpool. In   empowering children, young people and families to
        2017/18, work commenced in earnest on the extension    co-create many of its important research studies and
        of the building to house three other academic partners   associated activities.
        from Autumn 2018: Edge Hill University, Liverpool
        John Moores University and the University of Central   The Trust is supported by two main registered charities
        Lancashire. This visibly demonstrates Alder Hey’s      and through the work that they do to support the
        ambition to be the premier partner for children’s health   hospital, we can ensure that Alder Hey’s pioneering
        research and provides a unique opportunity for multi-  work continues to make a difference to the lives of
        institutional research to benefit the population locally,   children. In addition to the Alder Hey Children’s Charity,
        nationally and internationally.                        the Ronald McDonald House charity continues to
                                                               support up to 84 families in ‘home away from home’
        The Trust has continued to deliver research at volume   accommodation on the campus whilst their children
        and to the highest standards of safety and quality.    are being treated in the hospital. We continue to
        Increasing evidence has established the association    work closely and strengthen our relationship with our
        between research volume and intensity in the hospital   charitable partners.
        and improved health outcomes for patients. In 2017/18,
        Alder Hey recruited over 9,000 children and young      We have been authorised as a foundation trust since
        people into its research studies, placing it among     August 2008 and have an active Council of Governors
        the highest performing trusts in the UK and ensuring   representing patients, parents, carers, staff, the
        that its continued ability to deliver research studies at   general public and partner organisations. The Council
        high volume will add to the legacy of improved health   represents our membership which currently totals
        benefits for its patients.                             almost 14,000 people across the regions we serve. We
                                                               have also established our Children and Young Peoples’
        The safety and quality of research is of paramount     Forum which meets regularly with Trust staff and has
        importance. In the past year, Alder Hey, through       input to a range of hospital activities and plans, as well
        its prominence in the Health Research Leadership       as playing a key role in the recruitment of key Board
        Organisation, has been supporting the development      level posts.
        of the framework for the regulation of research by the
        Care Quality Commission which is to be introduced in
        2018. This emphasises the Trust’s focus on ensuring

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust           9                           Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
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