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A L DE R H E Y W I N S £50,000  G R A N T FO R
             M U S I C O N WA R D S T H R O U G H T H E B I G
             LOT T E R Y ’ S  PE O PL E ’ S  PR O J E C T S

             Music Matters was a 12 month      92% of patients who took part    them forget about their illness/
             project funded by the Big         said the project significantly   condition. The project has been
             Lottery’s The Peoples Projects.   improved their experience of     wonderful in helping patients

             It ran from April 2017 to March   being in hospital. And 84% of    make friends, interact and
             2018 and has enabled Alder Hey    patients who took part said that   improve their confidence and
             to place a musician on every      the project significantly made   communication skills.
             inpatient ward in the hospital
             for one day a week. During that
             time, Alder Hey has seen six
             highly talented musicians work
             with over 1,500 children and
             young people in hospital, getting
             them involved in music making,
             playing instruments, writing
             songs and even performing

                  Parent feedback included: “The music
                  session today was fantastic, the lady who
                  performed was amazing, we all joined in
                  as a family and it left us all with a really
                  positive and enjoyable memory to look
                  back on at such a difficult and hard
                  time. I would highly recommend these
                  sessions and believe they are a great idea
                  for helping the child feel like there is
                  something to look forward to and make
                  them smile. I think these sessions are
                  one of the best ideas the hospital has to
                  offer for children.”
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