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           CHAIR AND CHIEF


           2017/18 marked another eventful and successful
           year for Alder Hey. For us, it has been an honour and
           a privilege to lead such an outstanding organisation
           and marvel at the many achievements of our
           incredible staff.

           Thanks to the perseverance, dedication and hard
           work of our clinical and corporate teams, we again   team – the idea of ‘ward to board’ brought to life –
           delivered a remarkable set of year-end results.     which has been of huge value to us all.
           This included meeting all nationally mandated
           standards and targets, as well as hitting our financial   Alder Hey received two inspections by the Care
           control total ahead of plan and thereby attracting   Quality Commission during the year – in April 2017
           additional funding to the Trust from our regulator   and again in February 2018. On both occasions
           NHS Improvement. Yet these achievements,            inspectors commented on the compassionate,
           although remarkable in the context of an NHS which   child-focused care given by everyone they met
           continues to face unprecedented levels of financial   and we continue to be rated as ‘outstanding’ in the
           pressure and challenge from increasing demand,      Caring domain of the CQC’s fundamental standards.
           are eclipsed by the day to day examples of our staff   It remains our intention to provide outstanding care
           going the extra mile to provide the very best care to   for all our patients across every domain and our
           our children and young people. We are immensely     ambition to achieve that rating for the whole Trust.
           proud of the way in which staff live the Trust’s values
           in all that they do, every day.                     As further testament to the regard in which
                                                               Alder Hey is held, the Board was asked by NHS
           We were greatly encouraged by the positive results   Improvement in May of 2017 to take on the
           of this year’s staff survey and this gives us much to   management of Liverpool Community Health NHS
           build upon in the next 12 months, supported by our   Trust for a period of six months, whilst the final
           highly successful ‘Listening into Action’ initiative. A   arrangements could be made for transition of its
           key focus for the Board has been to progress our    services to another provider. The Board was happy
           Quality Improvement programme which lies at the     to lend its support to the excellent staff at LCH at
           centre of our Quality Strategy; we have seen the    a difficult time, as well as taking the opportunity to
           enthusiasm with which this is being embraced by     assist the local health system in the spirit of collegial
           the whole organisation through a myriad of quality   working and shared goals across the service for the
           initiatives – many of which are described in the    benefit of the local community.
           Quality Report on page 81 of this document. We
           have seen measurable improvement across a range     Again, we could not have taken on this additional
           of our quality metrics, notably no avoidable factors   role without complete confidence that our Alder
           found by the mortality reviews undertaken for all   Hey family was behind us, keeping the organisation
           deaths in hospital; a further significant reduction in   running as smoothly as ever; the fact that this was
           medication errors, bringing the total reduction since   the case is evident in the report that follows. It only
           in the last three years to 75%; and a 46% reduction   remains for us to reiterate our enormous gratitude to
           in the number of hospital acquired infections       the whole team for their unfaltering commitment.
           since 2014/15. The new style Quality Assurance
           Rounds which we introduced in September have        David Henshaw           Louise Shepherd
           been warmly welcomed by everyone who has
           been involved so far, as the process enables a real   SIR DAVID HENSHAW    LOUISE SHEPHERD CBE
           connection between Board members and the host       Chairman                Chief Executive

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust           6                           Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
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