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        OVERVIEW                                               nursing and allied health professional students each
                                                               year. In April 2017 Alder Hey welcomed 120 new
        The following section of the report is designed        community staff from Liverpool Community Health
        to provide a broad overview of Alder Hey as an         NHS Trust as part of the transfer of a number of
        organisation: what we are about, what we are aiming    paediatric community services, including Speech and
        to deliver for our patients and families, the risks to   Language Therapy, Physiotherapy and Community
        achieving this and how successful we have been in the   Matrons.
        last year.
                                                               Our operating turnover is £263m of which £213m
        ABOUT THE TRUST                                        directly relates to the clinical services we provide; 33%
                                                               of our clinical income is non-specialised and 67% is
        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust is a         specialised. Our principal contract is with NHS England
        provider of specialist health care to over 275,000     for tertiary and quaternary care. The Trust also serves a
        children and young people each year. In addition to the   wide population base for secondary care with Liverpool
        hospital site at West Derby in north Liverpool, Alder Hey   Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) hosting the £55m
        has a presence at a number of community outreach       contract on behalf of 21 associate CCG’s in the North
        sites and in collaboration with other providers, our   West of England. In addition we have a contract with of
        clinicians help deliver care closer to patients’ homes   £15m with commissioners in Wales.
        by holding local clinics at locations from Cumbria to
        Shropshire, in Wales and the Isle of Man. The Trust    Alder Hey offers a number of specialist services and
        also provides inpatient care for children with complex   we are one of only two providers in the North West
        mental health needs at our Alder Park building in the   designated to receive the specialist children’s top up
        nearby borough of Sefton.                              to national tariff for this work. We are one of the two
                                                               accredited major trauma units for children in the North
        The Trust employs a workforce of 3,387 staff who       West and are also nationally commissioned as one of
        work across our community and hospital sites and as    four epilepsy surgical centres, a service we provide in
        a teaching and training hospital we provide education   partnership with Manchester Children’s Hospital. As
        and training to around 540 medical and over 500        the regional cardiac surgical centre we continue to lead

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust           8                           Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
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