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2017/18 was another successful year for Alder Hey.
Highlights of progress against our plans during the year
include the following:
Delivery of Outstanding Care
• Through our Sign up to Safety pledge over the past • Alder Hey’s ‘Listening into Action’ journey
three years, we have reduced harm associated with continued apace in 2017/18. Focused around staff
medication incidents by 75% and reduced harm from empowerment and positive change, LiA is a Trust-
hospital acquired infections by 46%. wide drive to identify issues and blockages, bring
together all the right people into the same room
• In 2017/18 work has continued to reduce waiting
and then work together on a solution. Through this
times for Community Services (CAMHS and
initiative, dozens of clinical and non-clinical teams
Developmental Paediatrics) to provide better, more
from across the Trust have been involved in positive
timely access.
change. Examples of this include the establishment
• We remain 3rd highest reporter of incidents amongst of the Reward and Recognition group and the staff
our peer group of acute specialist Trusts as reported Disability Network.
by through the National Reporting and Learning
• The Trust secured Apprenticeship Provider Status in
System (NRLS).
2017, one of only two trusts in Merseyside to hold this
• The Trust’s focus on the diagnosis and timely accreditation. This will support the development and
treatment of children with high risk sepsis continued delivery of the Trust’s Apprenticeship Strategy.
to show significant improvement towards consistently
administering antibiotics within 60 minutes. Sustainability through External
For a more detailed description of Alder Hey’s
quality journey in 2017/18 please read our Quality • A significant development during the year has been
Report starting on page 81. the partnership work with the University of Liverpool,
Liverpool John Moores University, Edge Hill University
The Best People doing their Best Work and the University of Central Lancashire to expand
on our portfolio of training programmes to meet the
• The Trust has put a lot of effort into the reward and current and future needs of healthcare professional
recognition of the workforce during 2017/18. A staff both in the UK and Internationally.
Reward and Recognition Group has been established • The Trust continues to build its international
who have implemented a number of actions including reputation and the international team has developed
hosting a “Fab Staff Week” to coincide with the NHS- an expanded network with international trade
wide Fab Change Day. This offered a variety of health organisations including, the Department of
and wellbeing advice and support, free fruit and International Trade, Healthcare UK, and Liverpool
snacks provided by the catering department, a free Vision.
raffle, and a pledge wall for staff to commit to a small
personal change or improvement.
Game-Changing Research and
• Our 2017 staff survey produced more responses than
ever before (54% of staff responded) and included Innovation
many positive swings in staff feedback, including an
• Alder Hey has accelerated its expertise in novel
11% improvement in staff reporting that they would
formulations of medicines for children and young
recommend Alder Hey as a place to work. In their
people through its programme of 3D-printed
detailed analysis of the 2017 survey, the Association
medicines in partnership with the University of Central
of UK University Hospitals (AUKUH) has identified
Alder Hey as the most improved trust in the country Lancashire. This internationally leading research will
offer children an increased range of child-friendly and
in terms of our ranking on the total number of key
appropriate medicines.
findings on which we achieved statistically significant
improvements and our ranking on the net number of
significant improvements across the survey.
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 13 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18