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Income Breakdown (£000s)
Clinical: Local Clinical: Non-NHS, Research and Development,
Authorities, 974 15,180 4,548 Education
Clinical: Other, and Training
7,765 Non-Patient
8,234 Care Services
to Other
Clinical: CCGs Other, 8,345 Bodies
and NHS 46,520
England, Other
22,176 Donation
and Grant
Clinical: NHS FTs, 268
Clinical NHS Trusts, 30
Clinical Income by Point of Delivery
2017/18 2016/17
£'000 £'000 213.491
Elective Income 46,527 43,313 192,037
Income by
Non-Elective Income 37,489 31,373 Point of
Outpatient Income 25,925 26,165
A&E Income 6,057 5,103
2017/18 2016/17
Private Patient Income 434 309
Community and
Mental Health 22,476 20,280
Critical Care 26,487 24,875
Drugs and Devices 23,995 19,892
Other 24,101 20,727
Total 213,491 192,037
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 23 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18