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John became Acting Chief Executive at RJAH in          all aspects of regulation and corporate governance.
        October 2015 until taking up the position of Deputy    Prior to coming to Alder Hey, Erica was Director of
        Chief Executive on 1 April 2016. This was the role in   Corporate Affairs at the Liverpool Women’s NHS
        which he remained until joining Alder Hey a year later.  Foundation Trust where she directed the successful
                                                               application to become the first foundation trust in
        Adam Bateman - Chief Operating Officer                 Merseyside. Erica holds an MBA as well as a BA (Hons)
        (from January 2018)                                    degree from the University of Liverpool.

        Adam was Acting Chief Operating Officer from January   David Powell - Development Director
        2018 and appointed substantively to the role at the end   (non-voting)
        of March. Adam first joined Alder Hey in 2015 as the
        General Manager for the then Surgical Clinical Business   David joined Alder Hey as Development Director in
        Unit. Prior to this, Adam held a number of acute       December 2012 and has over 30 years’ experience
        hospital operational management roles in emergency,    working in the NHS. Prior to his role at Alder Hey, David
        medical, surgical and community services.              held Development Director posts in Bristol and London
                                                               overseeing new hospital programmes. David has a
        Adam first joined the NHS in 2005 through the National   history degree from Manchester University and is a
        Graduate Management Training scheme. He holds          qualified accountant.
        an MSc degree in Healthcare Leadership from the
        University of Manchester. Through the NHS Leadership   Dani Jones - Director of Strategy (non-voting)
        Academy Adam successfully undertook a healthcare       (from November 2017)
        information fellowship at GlaxoSmithKline. He is
        presently on the Nye Bevan Programme for senior NHS    Dani joined Alder Hey in October 2017 from Liverpool
        leaders.                                               Community Health, where as Deputy Chief Operating
                                                               Officer she had responsibility for a wide range of
        Adam has a particular interest in service improvement   services including public health, health visitors, school
        and has worked on a number of successful projects,     nurses, district nurses and rapid response therapists.
        including the design and build of new cancer treatment   At LCH, Dani led successful delivery of the Clinical
        units, and collaboration with voluntary organisations to   Strategy, working closely with Community staff, GPs
        improve the level of support and care to people in their   and The Kings Fund. Dani also had responsibility for
        own home.                                              Frailty, Specialist nursing, Telehealth, Single Point of
                                                               Contact and IM&T.
        Melissa Swindell – Director of Human Resources
        and Organisational Development                         Dani has 14 years’ experience in health and social care
                                                               in Merseyside, having held a number of lead roles in
        Melissa is the Executive Director of HR and OD, and    health and social care integration. Dani is incredibly
        has worked at Alder Hey since 2009. Following her      proud to work in the NHS and is passionate about
        graduation in Economic and Social History from the     making positive improvements with patients and staff.
        University of Liverpool, Melissa started her HR career
        in the airline industry, before joining the NHS. She has   At Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group, Dani
        worked in HR and OD in a range of NHS organisations    worked closely with GPs as managerial lead on
        both in London and the North West. A Chartered         integrated community care teams, frailty and diabetes.
        Fellow of the CIPD, Melissa also has postgraduate      Dani successfully developed partnerships with primary
        qualifications in training, a range of personal and team   and community care, mental health, acute sector
        development tools and coaching. Melissa leads the      colleagues, community and voluntary sector partners
        people development agenda at Alder Hey and has a       to set up new services that have improved outcomes
        passion for improving staff engagement and wellbeing.   and experiences for patients. Prior to that, Dani held
                                                               roles across Liverpool City Council and Liverpool
        Erica Saunders – Director of Corporate Affairs         Community Health joining up health and social care,
        (non-voting)                                           and led a programme of telehealth and telemedicine at
                                                               scale across NHS Merseyside.
        Erica joined the Alder Hey team in September 2010
        as Director of Corporate Affairs. She began her NHS    Following her graduation in Economics and subsequent
        career in 1991 through its graduate management         masters in Health Care Ethics at the University of
        training scheme. Erica spent over ten years working in   Liverpool, Dani began her NHS life in technology and
        primary care and commissioning roles before moving     innovation at Central Liverpool PCT. Dani achieved an
        to the acute sector in 2003. Part of her job includes the   Executive Leadership in Healthcare award through the
        role of Trust Secretary, advising and supporting the   ‘Nye Bevan’ programme in 2017.
        Chair, Board of Directors and Council of Governors on

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