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PATIENT CARE Carbapenamase Producing Enterbactericeae (CPE)
provide significant challenges to the NHS today due to
Infection Prevention and Control the reduced treatment options available and the ease
in which they may be transmitted. 2017/18 has seen
In July 2017 the current Director of Infection Prevention a steady increase in the compliance with screening
and Control (DIPC)/Infection Control Doctor retired from for CPE carriage at the Trust and early identification
the Trust. The Medical Director has taken up the role of carriers. Through close management and early
of DIPC and the Infection Control Doctor post has now identification of CPE carriers there have been no
been filled. outbreaks at the Trust in 2017/18.
Domestic Services Review
In May 2017 the new Head of Service/Associate
Director of Infection Prevention and Control
commenced in post, whose role is to oversee the In the second full year of occupation of the new
strategic leadership of the Infection Prevention and hospital, the Chief Nurse led a review of the cleaning
Control (IPC) agenda both internally within the Trust requirements of the building from both in terms of
and externally in the region and nationally. In addition clinical areas and the public spaces. The review utilised
they have the overall responsibility for the day to day independent experts to inform a solution that includes
management of the IPC, Intravenous Access and the state of the art cleaning methods and equipment
Tissue Viability teams. that reflect the modern facilities that Alder Hey has
invested in, to improve patient care and experience.
A new IPC work plan has been devised which fulfils the This represents a further significant investment and
requirements of the ‘Code of Practice’ for all providers will ensure that standards are consistently met and the
of healthcare and adult social care on the prevention of service is responsive to clinical needs.
infections under the Health and Social Care Act 2008
(revised in 2015) and is mapped against the Trust’s Matrons
values. In conjunction with the IPC Work Plan, the IPC
team has produced specific Trust-wide action plans to Following the re-introduction of the Matron role to Alder
target key areas including environmental cleanliness, Hey in 2016, the Chief Nurse has led a recruitment
Methicillin Sensitive Staphylococcus Aureus (MSSA) programme to bring in this key clinical leadership
bacteraemia and Surgical Site Infection Surveillance position across the organisation, with all posts now
(SSIS). Both the work plan and the action plans are filled. There have been significant benefits seen from
monitored through the Infection Prevention and this additional layer of support to nursing teams;
Control Committee (IPCC) on a bi-monthly basis and Matrons are instrumental in ensuring strong clinical
through the Trust Board and Clinical Quality Assurance governance to underpin the delivery of high quality care
Committee on a quarterly basis. in accordance with the Trust’s quality improvement
aims. In addition, they have oversight of training and
As a paediatric trust, our patients are particularly development needs for their respective areas, enabling
susceptible to respiratory viruses such as influenza. The the nursing leadership team to enhance the existing
importance that staff place on protecting our children nursing succession plan. Matrons continue to be key
from acquiring respiratory viruses is demonstrated in members of Divisional management teams which have
the Trust again in 2017/18 achieving the 75% target for strengthened the Trust’s devolved management model.
influenza vaccination.
Devolved Risk and Governance model
2017/18 has seen the expansion of surgical site
surveillance into all areas of inpatient surgery along The devolved model of governance implemented in
December 2016, has continued to embed in the past
with the introduction ‘OneTogether’ programme to
reduce the incidence of surgical site infection and to twelve months. This devolved model of responsibility
benchmark against best evidence-based practice. The to the three clinical Divisions ensures that there is
Divisional IPC Board continues to monitor progress and a clear structure that cascades responsibility from
reports directly to the IPCC. Trust Board to staff at the frontline, while maintaining
accountability. The model provides assurance to the
In addition, 2017/18 saw the creation of the new Trust Board that the delivery of quality, operational
IPC dashboards across the Trust to communicate and financial performance is managed effectively from
and monitor key IPC audits including monthly IPC, ward to Board. The focus continues to be on sound
cleanliness and environmental estates audits. These financial management, to assure delivery of continuous
quality improvement throughout the organisation, to
dashboards along with the hand hygiene audits form
the basis of the IPC audit programme incorporated in maintain patient safety at all times and to provide the
the IPC Work Plan. best outcomes for the children in our care, with the
best experience possible for both children and families
Multi–antibiotic resistant organisms such as throughout their journey.
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 33 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18