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have resulted in Memoranda of Understanding being We also recognise this as an opportunity for Alder
developed with two healthcare organisations in China Hey clinicians to learn and share expertise with their
within the Hunan and X’ian Fengdong provinces. overseas contemporaries. The contract also includes
an agreement to increase the opportunity of training
Collaborative working is ongoing with the Liverpool and education opportunities that Alder Hey can deliver
School of Tropical Medicine and the Royal College across China. Our other international opportunities
of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) to provide continue to grow either directly or through the
clinical observership placements for doctors and more Department of International Child Health and we are
recently nurses from low income countries. currently accepting applications from the Middle East
to join our Clinical Observership programmes.
To acknowledge the extensive portfolio of international
initiatives, a Department of International Child Health Partnership engagement both internationally and
has been established at the Trust following discussion within the UK has allowed us to establish the profile of
with the Board. This umbrella unit is responsible The Alder Hey Academy worldwide and to become a
for implementing a comprehensive strategy by leading innovator of Paediatric Healthcare Training.
coordinating all aspects of international work;
health partnerships, humanitarian, commercial, ICH This is a very exciting and busy time for the Academy
education, research and innovation, within a cohesive and going forward we will continue to develop and
governance framework. The work of the Department of expand with a view to enhancing the care that is offered
ICH will contribute to Alder Hey becoming recognised at Alder Hey and in the wider community to ensure all
as one of the best children’s hospitals in the World. patients have a good experience both in the hospital
environment and in primary care.
The Alder Hey Academy
Alder Hey in the Park – Our Vision
During 2017 the expansion and development of the for the Alder Hey ‘Campus’
Academy at Alder Hey has gathered momentum. This
commitment is in line with the Trust’s five year strategic
Alder Hey has continued to progress towards the
plan to become a world renowned centre for paediatric
vision of a specialist campus for Children’s Health with
education and training.
the visible demolition of much of the old hospital in
preparation for new buildings and parkland. 2018/19 will
Since June 2017 the Academy has delivered several
see three exciting Trust buildings at varying stages of
successful and well attended specialist masterclasses
aimed at all areas of specialist paediatric healthcare.
The Academy team is working in close partnership The Institute in the Park
with the University of Liverpool, Liverpool John Moores
University, Edge Hill University and University and the The second phase of the Institute in the Park
University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN) to expand on building will be completed in August and occupied in
our current portfolio of training programmes to meet September 2018. This is a specific date because it is
the current and future needs of healthcare professional the start of the new University academic year, given
both in the UK and Internationally. that the new building will welcome occupants from
four universities as well as Trust research and support
Internationally we have cooperated with Healthcare departments. The University of Liverpool, Edge Hill
UK; a division of the UK Government’s Department for University, John Moores University and the University
International Trade to explore how we can share Alder of Central Lancashire (UCLAN) will all be housed in
Hey’s expertise in order to help shape and improve the the building. This is an exciting opportunity bringing
standard of healthcare outcomes worldwide. many different researchers and education faculties into
In February 2018 the Alder Hey Academy successfully one facility to share and learn for the future benefit of
secured a three year contract with TEMC in Beijing, Children’s Health.
China to provide UK based training for senior Chinese
doctors who will be the future leaders of healthcare
across China. They aspire to understand UK Healthcare
model with a view to implementing this model once
they return to their prospective hospitals.
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 38 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18