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organisation’s ability to continue to grow; and workforce   requirements, as based on UKCIP 2009 weather
        challenges linked to future supply of appropriately    projects, to ensure that this organisation’s obligations
        trained and skilled staff. The key mitigations for each   under the Climate Change Act and the Adaptation
        are:                                                   Reporting requirements are complied with.
        • Financial sustainability in a challenging
                                                               In terms of the Trust’s Emergency Preparedness,
                                                               Resilience and Response (EPRR) Core Standards
                                                               return, the Trust received confirmation that it met the
          - develop a broader service base                     expected timescale and all documentation submitted
          - promote a national alliance on paediatric tariff   was signed off at Board level.

        • Ability to continue to grow                          REVIEW OF ECONOMY,
          Mitigation:                                          EFFICIENCY AND
          - develop meaningful partnerships                    EFFECTIVENESS OF THE USE
          - develop new business models with NHS partners
           develop new NHS business, international operation   OF RESOURCES
           and innovation
                                                               As Accounting Officer, I am responsible for ensuring
        • Workforce
                                                               arrangements are in place for securing value for
          Mitigation:                                          money in the use of the Trust’s resources. To do this, I
          - Maximise Employer-Provider status for              have implemented a robust system to set, review and
           apprenticeships                                     implement strategic objectives. Trust objectives are
                                                               informed by the views of its Council of Governors and
          - Maintain supply of nurses via nurse pool – 40
                                                               other key stakeholders. In 2017/18 the Trust continued
           WTE above establishment
                                                               to engage with the Sustainability and Transformation
          - Develop the Alder Hey Academy including            Planning process that was established nationally
           collaborative working with HEI’s and local schools
                                                               in 2016/17 to take forward the vision set out in the
          - Develop new and expanded roles e.g. nurse          Five Year Forward View, for which I was lead for the
           social worker, Advanced Nurse Practitioners to      Cheshire and Merseyside group from March 2016,
           support medical workforce                           which ensured that Alder Hey was well placed to
          - Deliver our health and wellbeing strategy for staff.  understand this wider context and participate in the
                                                               health economy’s response to its challenges. I stood
        As an employer with staff entitled to membership of the   down from this role In May 2017, in order to focus upon
        NHS Pension Scheme, control measures are in place      Alder Hey as it took on the responsibilities of the six
        to ensure all employer obligations contained within the   month management contract for Liverpool Community
        Scheme regulations are complied with. This includes    Health NHS Trust which it had undertaken at the behest
        ensuring that deductions from salary, employer’s       of NHS Improvement.
        contributions and payments into the Scheme are in
        accordance with the Scheme rules, and that member      The Trust produces an annual operational plan that sets
        Pension Scheme records are accurately updated          out organisational objectives which are cascaded to
        in accordance with the timescales detailed in the      local level. Divisional activity is reviewed throughout the
        Regulations.                                           year to monitor progress and agree corrective action
                                                               where necessary via monthly performance review
        Control measures are in place to ensure that the       meetings with Divisional senior teams. The Board of
        organisation’s obligations under equality, diversity and   Directors reviews performance against objectives on
        human rights legislation are complied with. The Trust   a monthly basis through the Corporate Performance
        maintains continuing compliance with the statutory and   Report which is also reviewed by key Board assurance
        regulatory duties that are related to Equality, Diversity   committees.
        and Human Rights, with publication of information to
        meet the Public Sector Equality Duty. Arrangements for   Operationally, the Executive team uses a range of
        the strategic oversight of progress towards the Trust’s   mechanisms through which it monitors performance,
        Equality Objectives have been a key priority during the   identifies emerging risks to delivery and takes
        year; this process will continue to be reinforced during   mitigating action to address issues as they arise. These
        2018/19. The Equality Objectives will be aligned with   processes have continued during the year and include
        NHS EDS 2 and the WRES and will respond to the         twice daily patient flow huddles, a weekly activity
        associated commissioning requirements.                 meeting and a weekly Executive ‘Communication Cell’
                                                               huddle which was set up during 2017/18 as a means
        The trust has undertaken risk assessments and Carbon   of sharing information about actual performance over
        Reduction Delivery Plans are in place in accordance    the previous seven days and highlighting issues for the
        with emergency preparedness and civil contingency      coming week. This process was particularly effective

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust           76                          Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
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