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        During the year the Trust sustained its high rate of
        incident reporting via the NRLS system, which from last   FRAMEWORK
        year placed it among the best performers for patient
        safety incident reporting nationally: the most recent   Implementation of the Trust’s Risk Management
        data – March 2018 – positioned Alder Hey third in the   Strategy is monitored through the Integrated
        country and the highest reporter among specialist      Governance Committee. The Board of Directors
        paediatric trusts. This ongoing trend demonstrates the   and its assurance committees have maintained their
        commitment of staff to the Trust’s Quality Improvement   focus on key risks during the year. The strategy was
        culture and the benefits to be gained from open        reviewed and updated during the year; it provides a
        reporting and learning from incidents. As part of the   robust framework for the systematic identification,
        overall risk management improvement plan, work         assessment, treatment and monitoring of risks, whether
        to improve the functionality of the Ulysses incident   the risks are clinical, organisational, business, financial
        reporting system continued during the year. Risk       or environmental. Its purpose is to minimise risks to
        registers continue to be used interactively throughout   patients, staff, visitors and the organisation as a whole
        the organisation and are fully embedded in the Trust’s   by ensuring that effective risk management systems
        governance structures including the Executive Team,    and processes are implemented in all areas of service
        the Board, its sub-committees and Divisional Risk and   provision, and that these are regularly reviewed. The
        Governance Groups to better drive the management       key elements of the strategy include:
        and mitigation of risks. During the year extensive
                                                               • a definition of risk management;
        work has taken place to validate all risk registers at
        departmental level, ensuring that each identified risk   • the Trust’s policy statement and organisational
        has been reviewed and mitigating actions updated as     philosophy in relation to risk management as an
        appropriate. In addition, work continues to improve     integral part of our corporate objectives, goals and
        the risk register format and associated reports and     management systems;
        supporting local areas in completing and reviewing
                                                               • strategic vision for risk management across the
        risks. Training sessions continue to be available to all   organisation;
        staff, including one to one and/or team sessions on
        request. In addition, Ulysses system one to one training   • roles, responsibilities and accountabilities;
        is provided to new starters, with refresher training   • governance structures in place to support risk
        available on request.                                   management, including terms of reference of key
        The Board of Directors maintained its regular and
        robust oversight of the Board Assurance Framework      The Board Assurance Framework, which focuses on
        during the year, with the assurance committees also    identifying and monitoring the principal strategic risks
        keeping their related risks under regular review. The   to the organisation at corporate level, is embedded
        report continues to support the delivery of the Board   within the Trust and is regularly reviewed and updated.
        agenda and has contributed towards the achievement     The Assurance Framework has been reviewed by the
        of a positive statement from the Trust’s Internal Auditors   Board of Directors on a monthly basis during the year; it
        under the annual review of the Assurance Framework     covers the following elements:
        which states that:
                                                               • identification of principal risks to the achievement of
        ‘The organisation’s Assurance Framework is structured   strategic objectives;
        to meet the NHS requirements, is visibly used by the   • an assessment of the level of risk in-month,
        Board and clearly reflects the risks discussed by the   calculated in accordance with the Trust’s risk matrix,
        Board.’                                                 described below;

                                                               • internal controls in place to manage the risks;
        The opinion recommended attention be given to
        ensuring that Board assurances are clearly identified   • identification of assurance mechanisms which relate
        within the BAF: ‘some of the assurances detailed within   to the effectiveness of the system of internal control;
        the BAF could be clearer in terms of scope, frequency
                                                               • identification of gaps in controls and assurances;
        and reporting to the Board. This would also enable the
        Board to more directly connect the papers received     • a target risk score that reflects the level of risk that the
        with the BAF risks’. This will be taken forward during   Board is prepared to accept; and the actions taken by
        2018/19.                                                the Trust to address control and assurance gaps.

        The Trust received a rating of ‘substantial assurance’   Risks are analysed to determine their cause, their
        confirmed by the Director of Audit Opinion for 2017/18.  potential impact on patient and staff safety, the
                                                               achievement of local objectives and strategic
                                                               objectives, the likelihood of them occurring or recurring
                                                               and how they may be managed. Risks are evaluated

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