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Segmentation Whilst aspiring to greater achievement in the area
of equality and diversity, the Trust also recognises
Alder Hey has been placed in segment 2, which is the need to implement realistic approaches which
defined as ‘providers offered targeted support’. can deliver measurable improvements in day to day
experience for all concerned. This reflection has
This segmentation information is the Trust’s position as contributed to a revision of the overall Equality and
at 31st March 2018. Current segmentation information Diversity process, in order to most effectively prioritise
for NHS trusts and foundation trusts is published on the those areas of development that will bring the greatest
NHS Improvement website. benefit to those most disadvantaged.
Finance and Use of Resources During 2017, the Trust has continued to present updates
of progress alongside quality and patient experience
The finance and use of resources theme is based
aspects to local Healthwatch groups, as part of
on the scoring of four measures from 1 to 4, where continuing development of the NHS Equality Delivery
1 reflects the strongest performance. These scores
System (EDS2). The EDS 2 outcomes relate to all areas
are then weighted to give an overall score. Given that
of the Trust’s functions, having four main goal areas
finance and use of resources is only one of the five
– better health outcomes (goal 1), improved patient
themes feeding into the Single Oversight Framework,
access and experience (goal 2), a represented and
the segmentation of the trust disclosed above might not supported workforce (goal 3) and inclusive leadership
be the same as the overall finance score here.
(goal 4). The Trust is taking a collaborative approach
being adopted by several Trusts in the area to improve
The Trust scored an overall 1 at the end of 2017/18
existing EDS2 goals 1 & 2 (patients) in close partnership
which represents an improved score compared to
with Merseyside Clinical Commissioning Groups, this
the plan submitted to NHS Improvement, which was work is ongoing and will identify priorities for 2018/19.
forecast as 2.
EDS2 goal 3 (workforce) is supported by the Trust staff
Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Network and Disability
Network that represent the views of these staff groups.
THE TRUST The BME network also supports the progress of the
Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) action plan.
SC ORED AN Implementing the Workforce Race Equality Standard
(WRES) is a requirement for all NHS healthcare
O VERALL 1 providers, and is designed to ensure employees from
black and minority ethnic (BME) backgrounds have
AT THE END OF 2017/18
equal access to career opportunities and receive fair
SCORING OF 4 MEASURES REPRESENTING AN treatment in the workplace. This is important because
1 BEING THE STRONGEST studies shows that a motivated, included and valued
4 3 2 1 AS FORECAST AS 2 workforce helps deliver high quality patient care,
increased patient satisfaction and better patient safety.
The WRES action plan agreed a number of actions to
improve the experience of BME staff working at Alder
VOLUNTARY Hey, and also agreed a target of a 1% year on year
increase over the next 5 years in the numbers of BME
DISCLOSURES staff employed by Alder Hey to ensure the numbers
reflect the local community population.
EQUALITY REPORT In compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duties
the Trust publishes equality information annually about
Alder Hey continues with its commitment to try its service users and staff, identifying where data
to ensure that its services offer equal access for needs to be improved in both patient and staff profiles.
all communities who need to use them and that The self-service aspects of the employee staff record
all employees experience equal opportunity in system has been implemented and has provided staff
employment. This means that we actively seek to with greater control over their personal data including
engage with patients, parents and carers, as well as demographic data. The Trust continues to strive to
members of staff, to ensure that we do not discriminate improve the diversity of the workforce, particularly
against any individual and that the diversity of each from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) groups. This
individual is valued. The principles of equality and commitment is included in the Trust’s Recruitment
diversity are core elements of the Trust’s Values, which Strategy and is reinforced via the underpinning
are reinforced through the Trust’s induction programme Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Policy which sets
and personal development review for all staff. out the Trust’s commitment to creating an inclusive
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 68 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18