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organisation, which seeks to recognise diversity,      will continue to be available where a need is made
        promote equal opportunities and supports Human         known. Further work is taking place to look at how our
        Rights in the provision of health services for the     services can be made more accessible in relation to
        communities it serves and in its practice as a leading   information formats and communication support for
        employer.                                              families and recording these preferences on patient
        The Trust published its first Gender Pay Gap report in
        2018, produced to meet the Equality Act 2010 (Specific   Plans for 2018 are to continue to improve the quality of
        Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017 which   patient and staff information and the quality of equality
        came into force on 31st March 2017. Although not       analysis documentation. We will continue to work
        mandatory, the Trust produced a narrative that explains   collaboratively with commissioners and local trusts
        the calculations and provides an organisational context.   to broaden opportunities to engage with community
                                                               groups to progress the Trust’s equality objectives. We
        The equality analysis policy and process was reviewed,   are committed to support the successful development
        this minimises the risk that any changes and decisions   of staff networks to help make a positive impact on
        we make are unlawful by considering what we are        the experiences of BME and Disabled Staff; and to
        proposing to do in relation to our Public Sector Equality   support work in relation to the Workforce Race Equality
        Duty (s149 of the public sector Equality Act 2010 – with   Standard (WRES) and Workforce Disability Equality
        the Trust ever day in decision making) and undertaking   Standard (due to be published August 2018). Training
        proper consultation with relevant stakeholders. Work is   opportunities in cultural competence and unconscious
        ongoing to improve the quality of equality analysis and   bias will continue to be made available for staff. The
        strengthen the assurance process regarding equality    networks will increasingly shape relevant aspects of
        analysis and to provide support to project and policy   leadership training to increase the education of staff.
        leads to ensure lawful decision making.                The Trust will undertake a detailed analysis of the
                                                               results of the Gender Pay Gap Report and take steps to
        The Trust has provided for British Sign Language Video   reduce the gender pay gap.
        Remote Interpreting (VRI) located in the Emergency
        and Outpatient departments, available to all staff. This   Equality and Diversity will continue to be an integral
        provides instant BSL interpretation services when      part of the Trust Quality Strategy with a shared
        required. The Trust provides interpreting and translation   approach of improving the experiences of public and
        services to meet the communication needs of families;   staff through engagement. There will be continued
        the five most frequently requested languages during    attention to supporting the organisational processes
        2017 have been Arabic, Romanian, Polish, Mandarin      and strategic leadership for equality and diversity and
        and Cantonese. Providing support for limited English   communicating any gaps wherever these may be
        speakers is essential for patient safety, quality      identified.
        assurance and enhanced patient experience and this

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust           69                          Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
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