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External Audit                                         In addition, throughout the year the Audit Committee
                                                               has reviewed and dealt with the following matters:
        In April 2017 new regulations were issued by the
                                                               • Annual Governance Statement
        National Audit Office in April 2017 meaning that NHS
        organisations can no longer retain the services of the   • Consideration of the 2017/18 Annual Accounts
        same audit firm for both core financial audit services
                                                               • NHS Improvement quarterly returns
        and tax advice. Given the specialist nature of the tax
        advice historically received from the tax team at KPMG   • External Assurance Report on the quality account
        (the Trust’s external auditors at this time), this meant the
                                                               • External Audit report on the financial statements to
        core financial audit function was re-tendered.
                                                                31st March 2017 and ISA 260
        KMPG concluded the audit of the 2016/17 Annual         • Losses and special payments
        Report and Accounts in May 2017, a competitive tender   • Counter Fraud reports by the MIAA specialist in
        process was then undertaken during the summer of        accordance with the approved 2017/18 work plan
        2017, following which a recommendation was made to
        the Council of Governors to award the contract to Ernst   • Internal Audit work plan for 2017/18
        & Young. This recommendation was approved by the       • KPMG External Audit Year end report 2016/17
        Council of Governors at its meeting in September 2017
        for an initial three year period, with the option to extend   • External Audit Strategy and Accounting Issues
                                                                relating to the Audit of the Trust’s 2017/18 Accounts
        for a further two one year extension periods.
                                                               • Accounting policies for the 2017/18 Financial
        The work of External Audit can be divided into two      Statements
        broad headings:
                                                               • Audit Committee work plan 2017/18
        • To audit the financial statements and provide an
                                                               • Review and approval of the terms of reference for the
          opinion thereon,
                                                                Audit Committee
        • To form an assessment of our use of resources.
                                                               • Annual Reports of the Trust’s assurance committees,
                                                                including Clinical Quality Assurance Committee
        The Committee has approved an External Audit Plan
        and receives regular updates on the progress of work   • Approval of the Treasury Management Policy
        including audit work undertaken on the quality account.  • Financial Statement audit risks for 2017/18.

        The external audit fees for 2017/18 were: Ernst & Young   Scrutiny of the management of the financial and
        £48,000 p.a. (fixed price for 5 years)                 operational risks to the organisation is the responsibility
                                                               of the Resources and Business Development
        Note: The price in the outgoing KPMG contract was      Committee. However, the Audit Committee maintains a
        £53,100 p.a. (fixed for 5 years).                      regular overview of these key risks via its consideration
                                                               of the Board Assurance Framework which details
        The Audit Committee members have had regular           the controls in place to mitigate them, any gaps in
        opportunities to meet in private with internal audit and   assurance and the action being taken to address them.
        external audit during the year.                        The Board Assurance Framework is reviewed on a
                                                               monthly basis by the Board as a whole and is also
        Five meetings were held during the financial year      used by the Resources and Business Development
        2017/18 of which one, in May, was devoted to           Committee to inform its standing agenda items. In this
        consideration of the auditors’ report on the Annual    way the cycle of control is maintained between the
        Accounts and ISA 260. The Committee has an annual      various elements of the governance framework.
        work plan with meetings timed to consider and act on
        specific issues within that plan.                      The Audit Committee considered the financial
                                                               statements audit risks including the areas where
        At each meeting the Audit Committee considered a       the Trust has applied judgement in the treatment of
        range of key issues and tested the underpinning control   revenues and costs to ensure that the annual accounts
        and assurance mechanisms, including:                   represented a true reflection of the Trust’s finances. The
        • The monthly Board Assurance Framework report         External Audit Plan 2017/18 highlighted two significant
                                                               audit risks in relation to NHS income and receivables
        • Internal Audit Reports in accordance with the
                                                               and the valuation of land and buildings. The risk
          approved 2017/18 work plan
                                                               around NHS income and receivables was added as
        • Counter Fraud reports by the MIAA specialist in      a new risk due to an increased risk of misstatement
          accordance with the approved 2017/18 work plan.      from the estimation of income from Sustainability and
                                                               Transformation funding (STF).

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