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Attendance at Council of     Number of Meetings       Membership Strategy
         Governors by Board Members     Held in 2017/18
                                                               The Trust’s Membership Strategy remained in place
                                                               during the year and its implementation is owned and
         Sir David Henshaw                     4               led by a committee of the Council of Governors called
         Ian Quinlan                           0               the Membership Strategy Committee. During 2017/18
                                                               the Committee was chaired by one of our public
         Steve Igoe                            3
                                                               governors, Kate Jackson who is also Lead Governor.
         Anita Marsland                        2               The terms of reference of the Committee were
         Claire Dove                           3               approved by the Council of Governors to undertake the
         Jeannie France-Hayhurst               0
                                                               • Devise a Membership Development Strategy on
         Jo Williams                           4
                                                                behalf of the Council, which describes clearly the
         Louise Shepherd                       3                processes by which the Trust will develop as a
         Margaret Barnaby                      4                membership organisation.
         John Grinnell                         4               • Ensure that regular analysis of the existing
         Melissa Swindell                      4                membership is undertaken to inform recruitment
                                                                of new members, ensuring that the membership
         Steve Ryan                            3
                                                                remains representative of the communities served by
         Hilda Gwilliams                       0                the Trust.
         Erica Saunders                        4
                                                               • Devise a system of effective communication with
         David Powell                          4                the wider membership so that members are actively
         Mark Flanagan                        1/3               engaged with activities such as elections.
        Declaration of Interests                               • Develop and implement appropriate monitoring
                                                                systems to evaluate the membership strategy in
                                                                terms of openness, diversity, representativeness and
        A copy of the Council’s Register of Interests is available
        on request from Erica Saunders, Director of Corporate   sustainability.
        Affairs via the Executive Office on 0151 282 4672 or by   • Engage with other membership based organisations
        email at                    on best practice recruitment and communication to
                                                                determine if there is transferability to the Trust.
                                                               The Membership Strategy Committee is supported
        It is important to us that membership is relevant to all   by the Trust’s Communications Team and works to an
        sections of the communities we serve and we continue   agreed set of objectives created to reflect the overall
        to make every effort to reach all groups within our    aims of the Membership Strategy. The objectives for
        membership constituencies. We seek to ensure that our   2017/18 were a consolidation of work commenced
        membership reflects the social and cultural mix of our   in the previous year, given the ongoing nature of the
        catchment population. We also need to ensure that our   governors’ role around communication.
        Council of Governors reflects our membership and we    • Newsletter - to continue on a quarterly basis.
        aim to address this challenge by encouraging a large,
        genuine membership from all areas served by the Trust.  • Membership Recruitment - the Committee agreed
                                                                to undertake a focused recruitment drive to seek new
        Alder Hey has three broad membership constituencies:    members in the 7 to 16 age group; this was done with
        public, patients and staff. Within these there are      the help of Trust Volunteers.
        different classes, each of which has at least one
                                                               • Training - as many Governors as possible to attend
        governor representing them. The wide geographical
                                                                GovernWell events to support efforts in respect of
        basis for the public constituencies is derived from the
                                                                member engagement; a number of governors also
        Trust’s patient footprint, since we are also a supra-
                                                                attended on site social media training.
        regional centre which means that patients from all
        over the country (and the world!) are referred to us   • Annual Members’ meetings - the Committee
        for treatment. In addition, a specific class for parents   also acts as a steering group for the planning and
        and carers reflects the vital role played by individuals   organisation of the Annual Members’ meeting, the
        who support and care for our patients. Membership       theme of which for 2017 was the ‘Medical Director’s
        is open to anyone over the age of seven who lives in    Tale’, as well as the delivery of the statutory elements.
        the electoral wards specified. Once a patient reaches   In the coming years, consideration will be given to
        20 years of age they are required to transfer to the    reinstating Trust Open Days within the new facilities.
        public or parent and carer category, whichever is most

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust           61                          Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
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