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NHS FOUNDATION providing an opportunity for governors to discuss key
TRUST CODE OF strategies with Board members.
GOVERNANCE The Council met formally five times during the year; one
of the meetings was held to seek approval to amend
the Trust’s Constitution to ensure that appropriate
The NHS Foundation Trust Code of Governance, was governance was in place to support the Alder Hey
first published by Monitor in 2006. The purpose of the
Board’s role at Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust.
Code of Governance is to assist NHS foundation trust
boards in improving their governance practices by Executive and Non-Executive Directors attend the
bringing together the best practice of public and private
Council of Governors’ meetings and the Chair and Chief
sector corporate governance. The Code is issued by Executive report on the Trust’s performance and on key
Monitor/NHS Improvement as best practice advice, but
strategic and operational issues and developments.
imposes some disclosure requirements which are set This ensures that the agendas of the two bodies remain
out in the sections below. closely interlinked and appropriate decisions taken by
each in accordance with its Standing Orders.
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust has applied
the principles of the NHS Foundation Trust Code of
The 2017 Annual Members’ Meeting was held in
Governance on a ‘comply or explain’ basis. The NHS November at the Institute in the Park, with keynote
Foundation Trust Code of Governance, most recently speaker Dr. Steve Ryan, Medical Director. The title of
revised in July 2014, is based on the principles of the
his inspiring talk was ‘The Medical Director’s Tale -
UK Corporate Governance Code issued in 2012. Reflections on a long and eventful NHS Career’ which
was followed by presentation of the Trust’s Annual
The arrangements put in place by the Trust in response Accounts 2016/17 and the report of the Council of
to the Code are set out in the sections below and Governors delivered by Lead Governor, Kate Jackson.
elsewhere in the report as appropriate.
OUR COUNCIL OF The Council re-appointed three of the existing Non-
Executives during 2017/18, one for a second term of
GOVERNORS three years and two reappointments of twelve months;
this was to ensure stability and continuity on the Board.
2017/18 again saw a number of changes on the The Council also re-approved the appointment of the
Council of Governors following the annual elections. A Chairman for a final twelve month period.
comprehensive Induction programme continues to be
delivered to enable incoming governors to understand The governors have also continued to input into a
their new role as rapidly as possible. This training is also fully inclusive process for the Chair’s appraisal and
offered to existing Governors annually as a means of agreement of annual objectives, led by the Senior
refreshing their skills. A number of Alder Hey governors Independent Director. In addition to its statutory role,
also took advantage of the ongoing GovernWell the Council contributes to the life of the hospital in a
development programme offered by NHS Providers, variety of ways, for example as members of the judging
which is an invaluable resource. panel for the annual staff awards, participating in the
PLACE inspection of the hospital environment and
The Council has continued to work alongside the Board attending various assurance committee meetings.
to understand and contribute to the Trust’s plans for
the future. The governors’ extranet provides a rapid The Lead Governor continued to hold regular
and accessible mechanism for the Board to share meetings with the governors without members of
information with them ensuring that they are kept up the Board present; these discussions generate items
to date between formal meetings. It also equips the for discussion at formal Council meetings to provide
governors with the information they require to give governors with additional assurance on key topics such
feedback about the Trust’s activities to members and as future car parking proposals and the plans for the
other stakeholders, including the host organisations development of Springfield Park.
of appointed governors. The governors use a variety
of mechanisms to canvass the view of members and In addition to the full Council meetings, governors have
the wider community; some of these are informal been involved in the Membership Strategy Committee,
and carried out through individuals’ networks and whose activities area summarised overleaf, as well as
others more formal such as inviting comments via time-limited working groups focused on specific issues.
the newsletter and direct engagement at the Annual
Members’ meeting. Such views are fed back to the
Board throughout the year at regular formal meetings,
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 58 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18