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Composition of the Council of
The Membership Strategy Committee continued to
take forward its work plan and objectives in support Governors
of the Membership Strategy. Key activities in the year
included: The Council of Governors is made up of 25 elected
governors and 10 appointed governors from nominated
• Acting as Editorial Board for the members’ newsletter
organisations and comprises six staff governors
supported by members of the Communications and
(elected by staff), nine public governors, four patient
Marketing team
governors, six parent and carer governors (elected by
• Exploring Social Media platforms for membership members). The Council represents, as far as possible,
purposes every staff group and the communities that Alder Hey
• Patient experience, through developing links with serves across England and North Wales. Elected
members of the Children and Young Peoples’ Forum Governors are chosen as part of an independent
process managed on behalf of the Trust by the Electoral
• Planning and organisation of the Annual Members’
Reform Service, in accordance with the Constitution.
Elections to the Council of Governors take place
• Young advisors project annually, in the summer. On election or appointment all
governors are required to sign the Council’s Code of
• ‘Critical friend’ role in reviewing and commenting on Conduct and to complete their declaration of interests
the Quality Report
in accordance with the Trust’s policy.
Governors are contactable through the Trust’s
Committee Administrator based at Alder Hey on 0151 The Council of Governors operates under the
leadership of the Trust Chair and its endeavours
252 5128 or by email at
are supported by the Lead Governor, Kate Jackson
who was re-elected to this role in December 2017
for a further three years (unopposed). The roles and
responsibilities of governors are set out in the Trust’s
Constitution and Council of Governors’ Standing
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 59 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18